
Build mobile Cordova/PhoneGap apps quickly with the tools you love: Yeoman, Gulp, Bower, AngularJS, Ionic & of course Cordova. All in one sexy generator.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Why you need it

Build mobile Cordova/PhoneGap apps quickly with the tools you love: Yeoman, Gulp, Bower, AngularJS, Ionic & of course Cordova. All in one sexy generator.

What's in the box


Quick Start

  • Quick Start for the experienced developer.
  • Try the demo. Get a quick impression by cloning the sample project generated with the latest version of Generator-M-Ionic.

Get started



App Development


  • ESLint code style checks and setting up your IDE/Editor.
  • Testing with our testing workflows.

Continuous Integration and Delivery


  • Appmobi - Secure Mobile Development Platform

Generator Insights

We've published 3 blog articles on our company blog delivering deep insights into the why and how of the generator:

Questions, Issues? Talk to us!

Do the following:

  1. check out our FAQ and issues see if there already is a solution or answer to that matter.
  2. Join the chat at https://gitter.im/mwaylabs/generator-m-ionic ask other developers and our core team on gitter if you're not sure how to proceed.
  3. If all fails create a new issue.
  • Important: we and others can help you a lot quicker if you provide a sample repo that we can clone. With step by step instructions on how to reproduce your error.

Want to contribute?

Start by reading our:

  1. Mission Statement
  2. Contribution Guide


Code licensed under MIT. Docs under Apache 2. PhoneGap is a trademark of Adobe.