
Notes related to the inner workings of the Diablo 1 game engine.

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The aim of this project is to organize and cross-reference a collection of notes related to the inner workings of the Diablo 1 game engine.

The notes are currently organized into the following categories.

Online documentation

The collective notes of this repository are made available online at http://sanctuary.github.io/notes/

The online pages are generated by the Scripture tool, which produces searchable documentation of source code with type definitions cross-referenced from global variable and function declarations. A Git commit hook ensures that new updates to the notes repository are instantly mirrored to the online documentation pages.


Category Progess
Functions 36%
Global variables (read-only) 95%
Global variables (read-write) 98%
Global variables (uninitialized) 93%
Storm ordinals 100%

The README of each sub-project tracks the progress for each of its source files.


Anyone interested in contributing to the project may do so in whichever way they desire. This may include:

  1. Provide ideas on how to better structure the information
  2. Point out mistakes or inconsistencies in the notes
  3. Improve the existing notes
  4. Add documentation for
    • function declarations (e.g. drlg_l1_place_door: code, doc)
    • global variable declarations (e.g. items: code, doc)
    • structure definitions (e.g. Player: code, doc)
    • enumerate definitions (e.g. quest_level: code, doc)
  5. Improve the Scripture documentation generation tool.
  6. ...


None of this work would have been possible without Jarulf's Guide to Diablo and Hellfire, one of few truly amazing resources on the Internet.