
A simple sqlite database used to track experiments in an internal project

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Experiment Tracker


This is a simple SQLite database used as an experiment tracker for the Biocycling-Project. The database stores information about sessions and the corresponding experiments. Multiple objects and one container is assigned to each experiment.

The relational database consists of the tables sessions, experiments, objects, containers and object_container. The table, "containers" has five columns, including "material_type," "container_id," "company," "location," and "note." It records details related to the content of containers used in the experiments such as their material type, unique container ID, the company that produced them, location, and any additional notes.

The table, "objects," has nine columns, including "object_id," "polymer_type," "length," "texture," "stiffness," "color," "contamination," "form," and "note." This table records details related to the foreign objects used in the experiments, such as their unique object ID, polymer type, length, texture, stiffness, color, any contamination present, form, and additional notes.

The table, "sessions," has five columns, including "note," "n_experiments," "responsible," "start_date," and "end_date." It records details related to the experimental sessions such as any notes, the number of experiments conducted, the person responsible, and the start and end dates of the session.

The table, "experiments," has four columns, including "experiment_id," "container_id," "n_objects," and "session_id." It records details related to each experiment such as the experiment ID, the container ID used in the experiment, the number of objects used in the experiment, a nd the session ID during which the experiment was conducted.

The table, "experiment_objects," has two columns, including "experiment_id" and "object_id." It acts as a bridge between the "experiments" and "objects" tables and records the objects used in each experiment.


Build database

To build the database, run the following command in the terminal:

python db_builder.py

This creates a sqlite database file called "biocylce_tracking.db" in the data folder. Make sure that the data folder is in the same directory as the db_builder.py file. To change the name or location of the database file, change the db variable in the db_builder.py file.

Add data to database

The jupyter notebook initial_population.ipynb can be used to add data to the database. Be sure to provide a pandas dataframe with the following structure:

session_id experiment_id container_id objects
S0000 E0000 DI_01_b [14_1, 2_5]
S0000 E0001 CO_01_c [13_9, 7_12]
S0000 E0002 DI_01_b [16_15, 3_12]
S0000 E0003 DI_01_b [4_9, 12_4]

Multiple predefined queries are available in the db_queries.py file and can be used outside the above mentioned notebook.

Create a new session

To create a new session, run the following function:

import db_queries as db

result = db.put_session(session_id, n_experiments, responsible, start_date, end_date, note)

Multiple sessions can be added by providing a pandas dataframe with the columns 'session_id', 'n_experiments', 'note', 'responsible', 'start_date' and 'end_date' A session ID is automatically generated if none is provided.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['session_id', 'n_experiments', 'note', 'responsible', 'start_date', 'end_date'],
                  data=[['S0000', 4, 'First session', 'John Doe', '2021-01-01', '2021-01-02'],
                        ['S0001', 2, 'Second session', 'John Doe', '2021-01-03', '2021-01-04']])

result = db.put_multiple_sessions(df)

Create a new experiment

To create a new experiment, run the following function:

import db_queries as db

result = db.put_experiment(experiment_id, container_id, n_objects, session_id)

Or multiple experiments at once by providing a pandas dataframe with the columns 'experiment_id', 'container_id', 'n_objects' and 'session_id'

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['experiment_id', 'container_id', 'n_objects', 'session_id'],
                  data=[['E0000', 'DI_01_b', 2, 'S0000'],
                        ['E0001', 'CO_01_c', 2, 'S0000'],
                        ['E0002', 'DI_01_b', 2, 'S0000'],
                        ['E0003', 'DI_01_b', 2, 'S0000']])

result = db.put_multiple_experiments(df)

Create a new object

To create a new object, run the following function:

import db_queries as db

result = db.put_object(object_id, polymer_type, length, texture, stiffness, color, contamination, form, note)

Or multiple objects at once by providing a pandas dataframe with the columns 'object_id', 'polymer_type', 'length', 'texture', 'stiffness', 'color', 'contamination', 'form' and 'note'

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['object_id', 'polymer_type', 'length', 'texture', 'stiffness', 'color', 'contamination', 'form', 'note'],
                  data=[['1_1', 'PET', 1, 'smooth', 'soft', 'transparent', 'no', 'fiber', ''],
                        ['1_2', 'PET', 1, 'smooth', 'soft', 'transparent', 'no', 'fiber', ''],
                        ['1_3', 'PET', 1, 'smooth', 'soft', 'transparent', 'no', 'fiber', ''],
                        ['1_4', 'PET', 1, 'smooth', 'soft', 'transparent', 'no', 'fiber', '']])

result = db.put_multiple_objects(df)

Create a new container

To create a new container, run the following function:

import db_queries as db

result = db.put_container(container_id, material_type, company, location, note)

Or multiple containers at once by providing a pandas dataframe with the columns 'container_id', 'material_type', 'company', 'location' and 'note'

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['container_id', 'material_type', 'company', 'location', 'note'],
                  data=[['DI_01_b', 'PET', 'Company A', 'Lab 1', ''],
                        ['CO_01_c', 'PET', 'Company B', 'Lab 2', '']])

result = db.put_multiple_containers(df)

Link objects to experiments

An experiment is only completed when objects are linked to it. To link objects to an experiment, run the following function:

import db_queries as db

experiment_id = 'E0000'
object_ids = ['1_1', '1_2']

result = db.link_experiment_objects(experiment_id, object_ids)

This populates the intermediate table "experiment_objects" with the experiment ID and the object IDs. Make sure that both the experiment ID and the object IDs are already present in the database.

Query database

The script db_queries.py contains multiple predefined queries that can be used to query the database.

Get a complete session

To get a complete session, i.e. get all experiments associated with a session run the following function:

import db_queries as db

session_id = 'S0000'

result = db.get_complete_session(session_id)

This returns a list of tuples in the shape of [(session_id, experiment_id, container_id, [object_list]), ...]

Get a complete experiment

To get a complete experiment, i.e. get all objects associated with an experiment run the following function:

import db_queries as db

experiment_id = 'E0000'

result =  db.get_complete_experiment(experiment_id)

This returns a list of tuples in the shape of [(experiment_id, container_id, [object_list]), ...]

Get a single object, container, session or experiment

To get a single object, container, session or experiment, run the following function:

import db_queries as db

result = db.get_object(object_id)
result = db.get_container(container_id)
result = db.get_session(session_id)
result = db.get_experiment(experiment_id)

Run an arbitrary query

To run an arbitrary query, use the following function:

import db_queries as db

query = 'SELECT * FROM objects'

result = db.run_query(query)

This runs any query on the db and returns the result as a list of tuples.

Delete from database

The database is not protected in any way. To run a delete query, use the run_query() function with a query of your choice.

import db_queries as db

query = 'DELETE FROM objects WHERE object_id = "1_1"'
result = db.run_query(query)

Delete an experiment

To delete an experiment, run the following function:

import db_queries as db

experiment_id = 'E0000'

result = db.delete_experiment(experiment_id)

This deletes the experiment from the database and removes all links to objects.

Delete a session

To delete a sesssion (and all experiments associated with it), run the following function:

import db_queries as db

session_id = 'S0000'

result = db.delete_session(session_id)

Create a set of experiments.

Follow the steps in the create_experiments.ipynb notebook to create a set of experiments.

Other functionality

Getter functions

Get next id

To get the next id for a session or an experiment run either of the following functions:

import db_builder as db

session_id = db.get_next_session_id()
experiment_id = db.get_next_experiment_id()

Create jsons for capture software

To create jsons for the capture software, follow the steps in the get_data_jsons.ipynbnotebook.


The live database is managed by Roman Studer. Please contact him for any questions or issues.