
Extract data about fund transfers on different blockchains from Google BigQuery datasets and process the data in order to obtain weekly top richest holders

Primary LanguagePython

Account balances for different blockchains: data extraction and processing

The code in this repository is used to extract the data from different blockchains. The data sets are publicly available on Google BigQuery. The extracted data is then processed in order to obtain top account balances for a given date.


The coding language of this project is Python 3.9. Queries are written in the SQL programming language.

Getting Started

Please follow these instructions to install all the requirements and use the scripts correctly.

Requirements and Installation

Make sure you have installed:

  1. Python 3.9

Download the code:

git clone https://github.com/roman1e2f5p8s/blockchain_account_balances

Create a virtual environment venv:

python3.9 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment:

  • On Unix or MacOS:
source venv/bin/activate
  • On Windows:

Install the dependencies:

pip3.9 install -r requirements.txt

Data extraction

To extract the data, please use SQL queries in folder extract/btc_like for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Dogecoin, and Litecoin, and in folder extract/eth_like for Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. The queries can be ran on the Google BigQuery workspace. For example, for Dash, the query extract/btc_like/dash_inputs.sql returns the following results (note that only the first five rows are presented here):

date address value
2014-01-19 Xm4x8WXU4Yzh6DJZaMhU6AURze2rnXd3SZ -12702199
2014-01-19 Xo1TKKMRk15sfP46WENHX3Cj3VLgb5CYvP -27700000000
2014-01-19 XqjJHF1krBxbHrUpfMQAfRgDm7wQq7o4qu -50000000000
2014-01-19 XtqSRHufguDsBmsirgAQZjxYhSS52sZxRf -50000000000
2014-01-19 XyTSKzD7pbVLhJQV1fVsNVR9NFALjpyuBR -27700000000

Query results can also be directly exported to CSV files saved on Google Cloud Storage (GCS). For instructions, please refer to extract2csv.sql in our another repository on ERC20 token holders.

The queried data in the form of CSV files for other blockchains is publicly available in this bucket on GCS.

Data processing

Queried data must thereafter be processed in order to calculate weekly top account balances. Two Python scripts are used for data processing: split_csv.py and calc_top_balances.py.

Step 1: split CSV files to weekly data saved in pickle files

Use split_csv.py to split CSV files downloaded from GCS by weekly data saved into pickle files. The choice of the pickle format over CSV is made to save storage space and speed up data loading.

Example usage: assuming CSV files for the Dash blockchain (can be downloaded from Google Drive or directly extracted using both extract/btc_like/dash_inputs.sql and extract/btc_like/dash_outputs.sql scripts) are stored in ./data/dash/:

python3.9 split_csv.py --dir="data" --name="dash" --verbose

The script split_csv.py also outputs the start date to be used later in the calc_top_balances.py script. The start date is date such that a week ahead will be the first date for which top richest accounts will be calculated. For example, for Dash, split_csv.py will output:

Use "2014-01-26" as start_date for calc_top_balances.py

See help files for more details:

python3.9 split_csv.py --help
usage: split_csv.py --dir DIR --name NAME [-h] [--rm] [--end_date END_DATE] [--verbose]

Converts and splits CSV files (downloaded from GCS) to weekly data saved in pickle files

required arguments:
  --dir DIR            Path to parent directory with blockchain historical data
  --name NAME          Name of blockchain (also the name of the folder with CSV files)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --rm                 Remove CSV files after converting, defaults to False
  --end_date END_DATE  End date to consider, defaults to 2022-01-16
  --verbose            Print detailed output to console, defaults to False

Step 2: calculate weekly top account balances

Use calc_top_balances.py to calculates top account balances from pickle files split by weeks.

Example usage: assuming pickle files for the Dash blockchain are stored in ./data/dash/, and the start date (returned by split_csv.py) is 2014-01-26:

python3.9 calc_top_balances.py --dir="data" --name="dash" --start_date="2014-01-26" --verbose

This will generate a CSV file (saved in ./data/dash/) with weekly top 10000 account balances. For example, top five account balances for the first three dates are given in the table below:

2014-02-02 2014-02-09 2014-02-16
184214.658 193500.99334055 193500.99334055
159329.968 184214.658 184214.658
143733.42810545 157599.995 157501
94363.99 157501 157500
88752.40714677 142009.03728116 141571.506493

See help files for more details:

python3.9 calc_top_balances.py --help
usage: calc_top_balances.py --dir DIR --name NAME --start_date START_DATE [-h] [--top TOP]
                            [--drop_step DROP_STEP] [--rm] [--end_date END_DATE] [--verbose]

Calculates top account balances from pickle files split by weeks

required arguments:
  --dir DIR                Path to parent directory with blockchain historical data
  --name NAME              Name of blockchain (also the name of the folder with pickle files)
  --start_date START_DATE  Start date to consider (this date is printed by split_csv.py)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help               show this help message and exit
  --top TOP                How many top account balances to consider, defaults to 10000
  --drop_step DROP_STEP    Drop zero balances (after reading each DROP_STEP-th pickle file) from directory before sorting it (reduces memory consumption), defaults to 10
  --rm                     Remove pickle files after calculating, defaults to False
  --end_date END_DATE      End date to consider, defaults to 2022-01-16
  --verbose                Print detailed output to console, defaults to False