An Energy API for Fabric mods, originally written for TechReborn.
Uses Fabric's API Lookup and Transaction systems.
Currently WIP, the API may change at any time! I am very open to feedback and suggestions on the issue tracker.
- 1 coal = 4000
- 1 plank = 750
Add the following into your dependencies block in build.gradle
include modApi('teamreborn:energy:<latest_version>')
The API revolves around EnergyStorage
Make sure to check out the documentation.
A few examples follow to get you started.
The easiest way, with fixed capacity and insertion/extraction limits:
public class MyBlockEntity extends BlockEntity {
// Store a SimpleEnergyStorage in the block entity class.
public final SimpleEnergyStorage energyStorage = new SimpleEnergyStorage(CAPACITY, MAX_INSERT, MAX_EXTRACT) {
protected void onFinalCommit() {
// Use the energy internally, for example in tick()
public void tick() {
if (!world.isClient && energyStorage.amount >= 10) {
energyStorage.amount -= 10;
// do something with the 10 energy we just used.
// Don't forget to save/read the energy in the block entity NBT.
// Don't forget to register the energy storage. Make sure to call this after you create the block entity type.
BlockEntityType<MyBlockEntity> MY_BLOCK_ENTITY;
EnergyStorage.SIDED.registerForBlockEntity((myBlockEntity, direction) -> myBlockEntity.energyStorage, MY_BLOCK_ENTITY);
may be used if the I/O limits are side-dependent.
If you know what you are doing, you can also implement EnergyStorage
directly, but in most cases that's not necessary.
Refer to the documentation of this API, of the Transaction API and API Lookup for details.
Get an energy storage:
EnergyStorage maybeStorage = EnergyStorage.SIDED.find(world, pos, direction);
Get an adjacent energy storage:
// Known things
World world; BlockPos currentPos; Direction adjacentDirection;
// Get adjacent energy storage, or null if there is none
EnergyStorage maybeStorage = EnergyStorage.SIDED.find(world, currentPos.offset(adjacentDirection), adjacentDirection.getOpposite());
Move energy between two storages:
EnergyStorage source, target;
long amountMoved = EnergyStorageUtil.move(
source, // from source
target, // into target
Long.MAX_VALUE, // no limit on the amount
null // create a new transaction for this operation
Try to extract an exact amount of energy:
EnergyStorage source;
long amountToUse;
// Open a transaction: this allows cancelling the operation if it doesn't go as expected.
try (Transaction transaction = Transaction.openOuter()) {
// Try to extract, will return how much was actually extracted
long amountExtracted = source.extract(amountToUse, transaction);
if (amountExtracted == amountToUse) {
// "Commit" the transaction to make sure the change is applied.
} else {
// Doing nothing "aborts" the transaction, cancelling the change.
The easiest way to create an item that can be charged by supported mods is by implementing SimpleBatteryItem
on your item class.
The functions should be self-explanatory.
For more complex items, EnergyStorage.ITEM
may be used directly.
Make sure you read the documentation of ContainerItemContext
if you go down that path.
Check out how you can create a ContainerItemContext
and use it to query an EnergyStorage
implementation with EnergyStorage.SIDED