Tests are made with ab utility with 100 level of concurrency, 10k requests.
ab -c 100 -n 10000
Hardware are used: Thinkpad X240, i5-4300U, 8Gb of RAM
There is some results:
- aiohttp + json - longest - 53ms, average - 43ms, 2315 rps
- aiohttp + json + uvloop - longest - 39ms, average - 28ms, 3485 rps
- aiohttp + ujson - longest - 53ms, average - 42ms, 2338 rps
- aiohttp + ujson + uvloop - longest - 39ms, average - 25ms, 3860 rps
- There is no difference between json and ujson on small dicts
- But usage of ujson with uvloop can give you extra perfomance (around 400rps for this case)
- Usage of uvloop can give you about x2 boost for free