
HA Configurations for Kubernetes and Romana

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Instructions for creating a HA kubernetes cluster based on kubeadm's single-master deployment

Create initial configuration

Clone repo to /var/tmp

cd /var/tmp
git clone https://github.com/cgilmour/kubernetes-ha
cd kubernetes-ha

Generate Root CA


Generate kube-apiserver certificates

./make_apiserver_certs --dns-name your-apiserver.external.dns.name

Generate service account keys


Generate config for discovery service

./make_discovery_config your-apiserver.external.dns.name:6443

This will emit the discovery token. You'll need this to add minions later on.

Generate kubelet config

./make_kubelet_conf your-apiserver.external.dns.name:6443

Generate node-specific manifests



Copy configuration to each node

mkdir /var/tmp/ha-cluster
cd /var/tmp/ha-cluster
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cgilmour/kubernetes-ha/master/install_files
chmod +x install_files
./install_files host-ip-of-node

Start etcd

Connect to each master. On each node, run the command below.

sudo mv /etc/kubernetes/disabled-manifests/etcd-bootstrap.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests

Check it is launching appropriately with docker ps and docker logs.

Start kubernetes components

sudo mv /etc/kubernetes/disabled-manifests/kube-*.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests

Replace etcd-bootstrap with etcd

Once the kubernetes cluster is up on all three nodes and stable, its bootstrap configuration should be replaced with a stable config. This should be run on each node. On each node, wait for the instance to recover and rejoin before doing another node.

sudo rm /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd-bootstrap.yaml

Wait for node to drop from the cluster

sudo mv /etc/kubernetes/disabled-manifests/etcd.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests

Wait for node to rejoin the cluster

Add essential config and services

Taint and label master nodes

For each master node, apply the taint as follows:

kubectl taint node node-name dedicated=master:NoSchedule
kubectl label node node-name kubeadm.alpha.kubernetes.io/role=master

Add kube-proxy

kubectl apply -f kube-proxy-daemonset.yaml

Add cluster-info secret

kubectl apply -f clusterinfo-secret.yaml

Add discovery service

kubectl apply -f kube-discovery-deployment.yaml

Add kube-dns service

kubectl apply -f kube-dns-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f kube-dns-service.yaml

Minion Nodes

Find the host running the discovery service

Only one node will actually be running it. Use kubectl -n kube-system get pods -o wide | grep kube-discovery to find where it is. For example purposes, below assumes it runs on node #3,

Add a minion node

Find the discovery token from the earlier step. The example uses afa67b.b5f052ecc18d8f8c

kubeadm join --token=afa67b.b5f052ecc18d8f8c

Romana Cluster



Copy files to each node

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cgilmour/kubernetes-ha/master/install_romana_files
chmod +x install_romana_files
./install_romana_files host-ip-of-node

Start etcd

Connect to each master. On each node, run the command below.

sudo mv /etc/kubernetes/disabled-manifests/romana-etcd-bootstrap.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests

Replace romana-etcd-bootstrap with romana-etcd

Once the kubernetes cluster is up on all three nodes and stable, its bootstrap configuration should be replaced with a stable config. This should be run on each node. On each node, wait for the instance to recover and rejoin before doing another node.

sudo rm /etc/kubernetes/manifests/romana-etcd-bootstrap.yaml

Wait for node to drop from the cluster

sudo mv /etc/kubernetes/disabled-manifests/romana-etcd.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests

Wait for node to rejoin the cluster

Add secret for romana-datastore

kubectl apply -f romana-datastore-secret.yaml

Start romana-datastore

NOTE: This must be done in order, because of the way mariadb initializes a cluster. The first master node has a different configuration from other members.

sudo mv /etc/kubernetes/disabled-manifests/romana-datastore-bootstrap.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests

Wait for this to completely initialize before running it on other nodes.

Replace romana-datastore-bootstrap with romana-datastore

sudo rm /etc/kubernetes/manifests/romana-datastore-bootstrap.yaml

Wait for node to drop from the cluster

sudo mv /etc/kubernetes/disabled-manifests/romana-datastore.yaml /etc/kubernetes/manifests

Wait for node to rejoin the cluster

Install Romana

kubectl apply -f romana-cluster-kubeadm.yaml