
Iron.io documentation.

Primary LanguageCSS


  1. run bundle install


  1. Go to project directory
  2. Type bundle exec jekyll serve # do not use --auto! jekyll breaks
  3. Open browser at http://localhost:4000/


  1. go to project directory
  2. jekyll serve --watch (this will auto reload any changes)
  3. for more information on jekyll http://jekyllrb.com/docs/home/

More info: https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages

Development using Cloud9 (http://c9.io)

  1. Fork https://github.com/iron-io/docs to your github account
  2. Login (or signup) at http://c9.io using github
  3. Click on 'docs' under 'PROJECTS ON GITHUB' in the left menu
  4. Click the green 'CLONE TO EDIT' button
  5. In the terminal use the command: jekyll serve --watch --port $PORT

When you are done making your awesome edits, git commit && git push, then go back to github and do a pull request.
Easy as pie and you never even had to leave your browser!