
A React.js component for using @desandro's Packery

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Packery Component

npm version


A React.js Packery component. (Also available as a mixin if needed)


React >= 0.14.x

Live demo:



  • The component is bundled with Packery, so no additional dependencies needed!

  • You can optionally include Packery as a script tag if the should be any reason for doing so <script src='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/packery/1.3.0/packery.pkgd.min.js' />

  • To use the component just require the module and inject React

  • example code

var React = require('react');
var Packery = require('react-packery-component')(React);

var packeryOptions = {
    transitionDuration: 0

var Gallery = React.createClass({
    render: function () {
        var childElements = this.props.elements.map(function(element){
           return (
                <li className="image-element-class">
                    <img src={element.src} />

        return (
                className={'my-gallery-class'} // default ''
                elementType={'ul'} // default 'div'
                options={packeryOptions} // default {}
                disableImagesLoaded={false} // default false

module.exports = Gallery;