
This library created to help serialize, deserialize, pass through application layers and collect all changes on each layer in DTOs, Models, Entities etc.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Partial Update library

This library created to help serialize, deserialize, pass through application layers and collect all changes on each layer in DTOs, Models, Entities etc.

Subject intro

While implementing HTTP PATCH method for partially update we should deserialize data from request body to DTO, proceed deserialized data through application layers (Controller, Service, Repository etc.) Let's describe DTO:

public class UserModel {
	private String login;
	private String firstName;
	private String lastName;
	private String birthDate;
	private String email;
	private String phoneNumber;

public class UserDto extends UserModel {

If we need to change birthDate and email fields we should call endpoint with body:

  "birthDate": "1987-03-17",
  "email": "somebody@email.domain.name"

When this JSON will be deserialized we'll got DTO with two filled fields and all other will had null values. So if we'll want to validate or update this fields in entity on Repository level we should check all the fields on null value and proceed it only if it isn't. Additionally we have not possibility to clear some fields by null values because after it will be deserialized we could not check if this value present in method body or it absent. If we'll deserialize body to Map<String, Object> structure we could check is the field present in data or not. But we should use unchecked casting for proceeding each field value and it will excluded types checking on compile stage. Partial Update library contains utils which should help to proceed this cases.

Partial Update Core

Partial Update Core library contains the basic classes and helpers for creating POJO wrappers which collect fields which are changed by calling setters. Also it contains classes and helpers for creating converters based on Jackson's ObjectMapper.

Partial Update intro

The main thing of this library is POJO wrapper which handles all setters calls and adds changed field names to internal Set<String>. Also this wrapper implements ChangeLogger interface which contains single method Map<String, Object> changelog(); This method returns Map with field names as a Key and field values returned by field's getter.

Change Logger Producer

ChangeLoggerProducer class contains wrapper logic and service method produceEntity which creates the wrapped POJO. Tipically usage of this producer for UserDto class could be like:

ChangeLoggerProducer<UserDto> producer = new ChangeLoggerProducer<>(UserDto.class);
UserDto user = producer.produceEntity();
Map<String, Object> changeLog = ((ChangeLogger) user).changelog();
    changeLog in JSON notation will contains:
        "login": "userlogin",
        "phoneNumber": "+123(45)678-90-12"
ObjectMapper with Annotation Introspector

For serializing/deserializing wrappers which implements ChangeLogger interface could be used Jackson(Codehaus) ObjectMapper with ChangeLoggerAnnotationIntrospector. With this Annotation Introspector ObjectMapper checks while serialization if instance implements ChangeLogger interface then Map<String, Object> returned by changelog() method will been serialized instead POJO. For example:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper.setAnnotationIntrospector(new ChangeLoggerAnnotationIntrospector());
ChangeLoggerProducer<UserDto> producer = new ChangeLoggerProducer<>(UserDto.class);
UserDto user = producer.produceEntity();
String result = mapper.writeValueAsString(user);
    result should be equal
    "{\"login\": \"userlogin\",\"phoneNumber\": \"+123(45)678-90-12\"}"

While deserialization this ObjectMapper will check if class which should be instantiated has annotation @ChangeLogger then result will be instantiated using ChangeLoggerProducer. For example:

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper.setAnnotationIntrospector(new ChangeLoggerAnnotationIntrospector());
String source = "{\"login\": \"userlogin\",\"phoneNumber\": \"+123(45)678-90-12\"}";
UserDto user = mapper.readValue(source, UserDto.class);
Map<String, Object> changeLog = ((ChangeLogger) user).changelog();
    changeLog in JSON notation will contains:
        "login": "userlogin",
        "phoneNumber": "+123(45)678-90-12"
Partial Update Mapper Producer

For more comfortable mapping ChangeLogger between different layers POJOs (DTO, Model, Entity etc.) in Partial Update library implemented PartialUpdateMapperProducer class which could instantiate wrappers for abstract classes or interfaces with abstract methods handling, interpreting its input parameters and return values and using corresponding ObjectMapper for mapping POJOs.
Method Interceptor of wrapped mapper could distinguish two cases:

  • abstract method returns non void result(convert pattern method);
  • abstract method returns void(update pattern method);

In the first case interceptor will create result instance and then map all method arguments to result instance one by one. In the first case interceptor will map to first method argument all the rest method arguments one by one. Example for both of this cases we could see at PartialUpdateMapperProducerTest.java.