
Unified GPU computing for Rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Warning: this crate is Work In Progress, API will change a lot

Main idea of this crate to provide unified API for GPU computation across different backends:

  • CUDA
  • OpenCL
  • Vulkan/Metal shaders later

Currently its WIP prototype with pretty ugly code, API will change later.

Tools (WIP)

  • get_ptx — get PTX for different backends for difference check, and shows registers/memory allocations for kernel via different backends. Only for NVIDIA cards.
  • gc_test — simple tests via json file for kernel internal functions, supports bench via clock function
  • gc_grid_bench — find best grid configuration for specific kernel


-> Device
   -> Context(Device, but can be multiple)
      -> Queue/Stream
         -> ProgramBuilder
            - build
  • Currently I don't see reasons to have separated Context and Queue structs.
  • OpenCL supports global_size which is not multiple of grid (like size: 3), but CUDA doesn't. There is two option to solve that:
    • GLOBAL_MEM u32 cnt as first arg and later check in kernel
    • just copy last items of input and remove them from output, but that won't work for atomic_output.
  • I don't see reasons to support multiple gpu at same time:
    • Not sure if CUDA/shaders supports it correctly
    • It will be probably better to do thread-per-device pool wrapper
  • At start we don't need separate queues for device.
  • Program (piece of source code with headers) builds on specific device
  • Program returns Functions, which has:
    • Inputs (named)
    • Outputs (named):
      • output: output size is same as input (like input: i_A+i_B=o_C)
      • atomic_output: output via atomic counter for fn's like 'is_prime', where output size is much less than input
  • Pipeline is chain of Functions with intermediate buffers:
    • add_arg_input("intermedia_buffer1")
  • Pipeline/Functions can be exported by some crate? Like gpuc-jpeg will provide pipeline for processing jpeg stuff?
  • Each function in pipeline can have predefined grid structure, which can be redefined later.
  • Need to have nice way to pass predefined const to kernel on comp time
  • Device . get_version -> major, minor:
    • CUDA: returns compute capability
    • OpenCL: returns supported OpenCL version
  • Stub header always added to header list, its up to user include it or not.


This API is not implemented yet, just design:

Returns default device or specified by first arg or GPU_DEV env variable, like: 'cu0'
let device = gpu_compute::default_device(None);

let say_hi = gpu_compute::FunctionBuilder()
   .parallel(2) // two threads process same item
   .grid_x(10, 50) // -> size=10*50
   .grid_xy((10, 20), (10, 20)) // size=(10*20)*(10*20)
   .input_cnt() // first input -- count of items in InputBuffer
   // input some vec of size less than grid size (or exact size if there is no 
   // input_cnt)
   .input_const("b", 100) // const size (no depend on grid size buffer)
   .output("c") // same size as grid

let pipileline = gpu_compute::PipelineBuilder()
   .buffer("buf0", <u32>, 500) // sets intermediate buffer
   .buffer("buf1", <u64>, 100)
   .buffer("buf2", &struct_vec: Vec<SomeStruct>) // load buffer from mem
   // Initialize function, which will setup data in first buffer
   .init_fn(init_fn, ["buf0"])

let program = gpu_compute::SourceProgramBuilder()
   .debug() // Enable debug (lineinfo for cuda, -cl-nv-verbose for opencl?)
   .add_header(header, "world.cl") // add header from &str with name
   .set_source(&kernel) // Set main source from &str
   .add_fn("say_hi", say_hi)
   .add_fn("say_hi2", say_hi2)
   // Adds pipeline, no need to specify each fn of pipe.
   .add_pipeline("pipe", pipeline);

let ptx = device.ptx_info(program); // -> PTXInfo
let build = device.build_source(program); // -> ComputeProgram

let a = Vec::new();

let sh: ComputeProgramFn = build.get_fn("say_hi");
sh.set_grid(10, 20);
loop {
   sh.write_input("a", a)
   unsafe { sh.run(); }
   let z = Vec::new();
   sh.read_ouput("c", z); // need to add input/output types somehow.


  • [*] get_ptx tool
  • [+] add /gpu_compute/vendor.h with: VENDOR_XXX, PLATFORM_XXX
  • [+] reduce copy/paste in opencl/cuda program builders
  • [+] defeat cache mechanic
  • cleanup && add headers
  • check if GridSize more than device max_GridSize
  • launch kernel
  • memory management
  • gc_test tool
  • add pipeline support
  • dynamic loading of backends
  • pinned memory for OpenCL @ NVIDIA
  • vulkan shaders
  • ??? metal shaders ???
  • ??? opengl shaders ???


OpenCL 1.2 -> OPENCL_VERSION == 120 CUDA 3.5 -> CUDA_ARCH == 350 DEVICE_VER: major100+minor10