
A utility for turning pattern strings into a regular expressions.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

A NodeJS module that converts string patterns into regular expressions. It can also tokenize and perform string replacement. It's useful for route handling or simple template systems.


Install using NPM.

$ npm install matchstick

You may require sudo depending on your local configuration.


Require matchstick at the top of your script.

var matchstick = require('matchstick');


  • pattern is a string representing a search
  • mode is a string that tells matchstick how to interpret the pattern
    • strict: Exact match
    • static: Exact match with optional trailing slash (for URLs)
    • wildcard: Asterisks match any character(s) e.g. /path/*/
    • template: Curly brace tokens match any character(s) e.g. /path/{token}/
    • symbolic: Ruby-style symbols with leading colons match any character(s) e.g. /path/:token/
    • regexp: Convert into a true RegExp Object e.g. ^\/path\/$
  • modifiers is a string containing one (or none) of any of the following characters
    • i: Case insensitive
    • g: Global match
    • m: Multiline matching


Matchstick is a constructor that returns a fresh instance so you don't need the new keyword.

> var ms = matchstick('/project/{pid}/task/{tid}', 'template');
> ms

  	pattern  : '/project/{pid}/task/{tid}',
  	mode     : 'template',
  	tokens   : [
  	regexp  : /^\/project\/(.*)\/task\/(.*)$/,
  	matches : null,
  	match   : function() {},
  	stick : function() {}

Set it to a variable and use the match method to return true or false

> var ms = matchstick('/path', 'static')
> ms.match('/path/')


...or evaluate it directly.

> var str = '/path/';
> if( matchstick('/path', 'static' ).match(str) ) { 'match!' }


Dynamic Properties


Template and symbolic modes populate the tokens property with an array representing the token names in the other they appear in the pattern.

> var ms = matchstick('/project/{pid}/task/{tid}', 'template')
> ms.tokens

  ['pid', 'tid']


The matches property will always contain the lastest results of a match() call.

Wildcard and RegExp modes populate the matches property with an array of strings representing the order in which they are captured.

> var ms = matchstick('/project/{pid}/task/{tid}', 'template')
> ms.match('/project/123/task/abc');
> ms.matches

  ['123', 'abc']	

Template and symbolic modes populate the matches property with an object with tokens and strings as key/value pairs.

> var ms = matchstick('/project/{pid}/task/{tid}', 'template')
> ms.match('/project/123/task/abc');
> ms.matches
  {pid:'123', tid:'abc'}


All patterns populate the regexp property which you can access directly if needed.

> var ms = matchstick('^\/path\/$', 'regexp', 'g')
> ms.regexp




Static mode

> matchstick('/path/', 'static').match('/PATH/')


Wildcard mode

> matchstick('/path/*/', 'wildcard').match('/path/something/')


Regexp mode

> matchstick('^\/path\/$', 'regexp').match('/path/')



Template Mode

> var ms = matchstick('/project/{pid}/task/{tid}', 'pattern');
> ms.stick({pid:'123', tid:'abc'});


Symbolic Mode

> var ms = matchstick('/project/:pid/task/:tid/action/:aid', 'pattern');
> ms.stick({pid:'123', tid:'abc'});


Note: Unused tokens are removed


Install the global dependancies with sudo permissions.

$ sudo npm install -g mocha
$ sudo npm install -g should

Run mocha directly to see the test results.

$ cd matchstick
$ mocha