
Integration of Domoticz logging and Splunk for Raspberry PI 4 (ARMv7)

Primary LanguageShell

Integration of Domoticz logging and Splunk for Raspberry PI 4 (ARMv7)

The idea was to have smart home (Xiaomi SmartHome Kit) events logged into Splunk. Domoticz configuration is out of scope

How it works

In current setup, there are 2 containers deployed in Raspberry PI 4:

  • domoticz: Domoticz Server
  • splunkforwarder: Splunk Universal Forwarder has domoticz.log mounted into container. Also it listens for UDP Syslog events from LAN (e.g. from router). Then it forwards events to remote Splunk instance


  1. Pre-configuration:
    1. [OPTIONAL] update ports/paths in docker-compose.yml, if updated - reflect paths changes in splunk_conf/inputs.conf
    2. [OPTIONAL] update package versions in Dockerfile_* (Architecture used in ARM 32-bit since of current stable Rasberry Pi 4b)
    3. update remote Splunk Enterprise host/ip and port in docker-compose.yml
    4. [OPTIONAL] update hostname for both containers in docker-compose.yml
    5. [OPTIONAL] Restore Domoticz configuration DB in /opt/docker/domoticz/config/
  2. Deploy with docker-compose up -d