Solbooking test .net 3.1 web api/Ef + React (Hooks)/Redux

How to install

  • Prerequisites
  1. Microsoft Sql Server (Express) : It must have a predefined user (usr: roman / pass: roman in the scope of this project). This user must have enought permisson to create databases. MSQL must have TCP/IP enabled and mapped to the port 1433. Login with sql auth must be enabled.
  2. Node
  3. Git (to clone the package)
  4. Net Core 3.1 SDK
  • Installation
  1. Using the terminal navigate to /HotelsApi
  2. Install .net entity framework tools dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
  3. Update appsetings.json -> ConnectionStrings -> HotelsConnection to your database values, server can be updated to "localhost"
  4. Run dotnet ef database update
  5. Fill the database, for this preconfig to work, you must input 3 hotels which MUST have the following image names: image1 | image2 | image3 since its stored as a reference, and those referenced images are available in the current build.
  6. Run dotnet build
  7. Run dotnet run . Now the server will be running at localhost:5000
  8. Navigate to /hotels-front
  9. Run npm i
  10. Run npm run build
  11. Serve the build with serve -s build
  12. Use the application.