
🧠 Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree | Udacity

Part 1: Foundations of AI

Game-Playing, Search, Optimization, Probabilistic AIs, Hidden Markov Models.
type name tags
project Sudoku Solver
project Game-Playing Agent
lab Pac-Man
lab Simulated Annealing
lab Constraint Satisfaction
project Planning Search
project Sign Language Recognizer

Part 2: Deep Learning and Applications

Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Speech, Natural Language Processing.
type name tags
lab Deep Learning Basics
lab Convolutional Neural Networks
project Dog Breed Classifier
lab Deep Learning Foundation
project Time Series Prediction and Text Generation

Part 3: Computer Vision

Computer Vision, Convolutional Neural Networks, Object Recognition, Face Detection, Video Analysis.
type name tags
lab Mimic Me!
capstone project Facial Keypoint Detection

Certificate of Completion

Verified Certificate of Completion