React, Firebase, SSR Starter

An opinionated starting point for web applications.

Getting Started

Install project dependencies

  • npm install -g firebase-tools
  • git clone
  • npm install


All important tasks are executed using NPM scripts. Checkout package.json for a complete list. The most important scripts are detailed here.

npm run start

Builds the app in development mode (using Webpack) and starts a local dev server. Keeps Webpack running in watchmode and updates the app automatically using HMR. Starts nodemon with the --inspect flag, allowing developers to debug the server logs using the Chrome Dev Tools (Navigate Chrome to chrome://inspect/#devices).

npm run deploy

Creates a new production build and deploys it to Firebase Cloud Functions.

npm run test

Not yet implemented

Run tests using Jest.


You can use plop to scaffold new components automatically.

npx plop

Notable Features

  • React
  • Redux
  • React Router
  • Firebase
  • Express
  • Styled Components
  • Babel
  • Webpack
  • Plop

Coding Style


Coding style is enforced using eslint. Eslint is run with the --fix option on each commit (via Husky pre-commit hooks). You can also manually run the linter using npm run lint:fix.