- create a database
- setup the script on a server
- run script automated with a cron job
- Python 3.6
- Libraries:
- requests
- psycopg2
install packages:
cd src/data-preprocessing
pip install -r requirements.txt
SQL Script create_bikeDB.sql to create the database scheme
Create a database where the data queried in the script is being stored.
Script is used to query provider API data
API requests to receive all current locations of bikes from nextbike, lidlbike and mobike in Berlin (inner circle) and store them into a single database.
Script is used to query the stations of nextbike
Config File Add file to src/data-preprocessing with API Keys for Deutsche Bahn API ( and database credentials. (see Example
Set up a cron job that runs the script in regular intervalls. E.g. this setup
- runs the script every 4 minutes
- runs the script once a day at 8 AM
- runs a cleaning script on the database (/src/ once a day at 11 PM deleting all unnecessary rows in the database.
*/4 * * * * python3 [PATH TO FOLDER]/src/
0 8 * * * python3 [PATH TO FOLDER]/src/
0 23 * * * python3 [PATH TO FOLDER]/src/
To query APIs for different cities the src/data-processing/ script has to be adapted accordingly. To query other providers this documentation is a good source of information.
For access to lime bike API insert phone_no to and follow steps in (three manual steps required).
Jupyter Notebook to analyse data.
preprocess.ipynb contains the preprossing steps of the raw data to a usable format.
- raw.csv contains the data from the database
- preprocessed.csv contains the data with added columns and fixed lat / lng
- routed.csv contains the data with distance and waypoints
- cleaned.csv is the cleaned routed dataset (unplausible data is removed)
- pseudonomysed.csv is the anonymized, cleaned data, following this standard
- pseudonomysed_raw.csv ist the anonymized data (NOT cleaned).
analysis.ipynb includes analysis about provider and bike specific data
pseudonomysed.ipynb includes analysis using the anonymized dataset (without information on providers.)