
Instagram Private Tools x Toolsig

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The project will be updated in the next few weeks / months. Thank you for your understanding. please read and don't send repeated questions.

Instagram Private Tools x toolsig v2.5

  • Instagram (also called IG or Insta) is a photo and video sharing application that allows users to take photos, take videos, apply digital filters and share them to various social networking services, including Instagram's own.
  • Instagram Tools Based on NodeJS (This script or code was created by ccocot - Aldi Nugraha).

Build License Badges

Pict by I Putu Jaya Adi Pranata - officialputuid

Table of Contents

$ Default or Basic Usage $ Information Tools $ Warning $ Update $ Other Information $ License

Default or Basic Usage

$ git clone https://github.com/officialputuid/toolsig.git
$ cd toolsig
$ unzip lib.zip
$ node index.js

Tutorial on PC/LAPTOP [OS] [https://youtu.be/8DWw1QXCccQ]

# Download & Install Git for Windows (Link Download: https://s.id/2yGtu) *direct_link
# Download & Install NodeJs for Windows (Versi 9.3.0)
  -> 64bit (https://nodejs.org/dist/v9.3.0/node-v9.3.0-x64.msi) *direct_link_64bit
  -> 32bit (https://nodejs.org/dist/v9.3.0/node-v9.3.0-x86.msi) *direct_link_32bit
# Download File toolsig (https://s.id/2yGC6) & Extract the file
# Right Click (Mouse/Touchpad) In "toolsig-master" Folder & Choose Git Bash Here!
$ unzip lib.zip
$ node index.js

Tutorial on Termux [ANDROID] [https://youtu.be/DHE-NT7VV7A]

$ pkg upgrade && pkg update
$ pkg install git
$ pkg install nodejs-lts
$ git clone https://github.com/officialputuid/toolsig.git
$ cd toolsig
$ unzip lib.zip
$ node index.js

Tutorial on C9io/CodeAnywhere [WEB] [https://youtu.be/6QWuWu2VgAM]

$ Login c9.io/login | https://codeanywhere.com/login
$ Select & Install Workspace + Package NodeJS
$ nvm install 10.7.0 && nvm use 10.7.0 && nvm alias default 10.7.0
$ git clone https://github.com/officialputuid/toolsig.git
$ cd toolsig
$ unzip lib.zip
$ node index.js

Information Tools

❆ Bomb Like Target = Bomb Like Post / Target Media Feature
❆ Bot Like Timeline v1 = Features Like Timeline / Home with Ittyw + Delay!
❆ Bot Like Timeline v2 = Features Like Timeline / Automatic Home with Cursors!
❆ Mass Delete Post / Photo = Delete All Photos / Posts / Videos Account!
❆ Unfollow All Following = Delete All Account Following!
❆ Unfollow Not Followback = Delete All Following that Does Not Follback Account!
❆ L-C with Target Followers = Like & Comment Only with Target Followers!
❆ F-L with Target Followers = Follow & Comment Only with Target Followers!
❆ F-L-C with Target Followers = Follow, Like, Comment with Target Followers!
❆ F-L-C with Media Target = Follow, Like, Comment with Media / Post Target!
❆ F-L-C with Hastag Target = Follow, Like, Comment with Target Hashtag!
❆ F-L-C with Target Location = Follow, Like, Comment with Target Location!]


⚠ Use tools at your own risk.
⚠ Use this Tool for personal use, not for sale.
⚠ I am not responsible for your account using this tool.
⚠ Make sure your account has been verified (Email & Telp).


☑ [07/06/2020] Initial Release Instagram Private Tools v2.5.
☑ [07/06/2020] Fix Some Errors, Features and Change Instagram API Version.
☑ [07/06/2020] The update has been included in the Package so you don't need to update again.
☑ [07/06/2020] Improvements In Display Program & Changes in system usage programs to make it easier to use.

Other Information

☆ Aldi Nugraha a.k.a (Ccocot Ccocot).
☆ Zerobyte.id - BC0DE.NET - NAONLAH.NET - WingKocoli.
☆ Thank https://github.com/dilame/instagram-private-api for node module
☆ Thank you for the help of all members SGB TEAM REBORN (https://www.sgb.or.id/).


☑ This project is licensed under MIT License 2017-2020. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.


☑ This file was originally changed by officialputuid, if you find this file but you get this file from another source not from my Github, I am not responsible for anything that happens. Thank you for being faithful to using toolsig.


☆ fb|ig|twitter|gplus|keybase|line|github|behance|medium? officialputuid.