
IFEEMCS520100 Difference in car-following interaction between following a human-driven vehicle and an autonomous vehicle project

Primary LanguagePython

Human Drivers' Reactions to Automated Vehicles: An Analysis on Traffic System Impact

Source code for final project of IFEEMCS520100 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Programme course at TU Delft.


Getting started

Pipenv is used for dependency management, install it if needed.

pip install pipenv

Install all packages with dev dependencies from Pipfile.lock; this will take a while.

pipenv install -d

Enter python environment

pipenv shell

Run a simple example. It will run an example simulation and then launch a visualization of the result.

python example_run.py && python visualization.py --file ./results/test_run.json

Rebuilding AI training data

This repo contains trained models of all different datasets (2 HA, 2 HH, 1 AH) clusters. Re-clustering and re-training can be performed by running sh ./train.sh. This process can take a very long time (approx. 2 hours on 12 core machine)

Run tests

There are many small unit tests to verify that the models work by themselves. These tests can be run with the following command:

pytest -n 2 tests.py

Running the tests will output all simulation results in the test_results folder. The output can be viewed by running

python visualization.py -f test_results/<test-name>.json