
PHP PayPal express checkout easy integration

Primary LanguagePHP

PayPal Express Checkout easy integration.

1. Create object instance:

$paypal = new PaypalExpressCheckout($gateway);

2. Redirect user to PayPal to obtain charging permissions

$paypal->doExpressCheckout(123.45, 'Test service', 'inv123', 'USD', $resultData);

3. Perform payment, token and PayerID are being returned with GET response from PayPal

$paypal->doPayment($_GET['token'], $_GET['PayerID'], $resultData)

4. Perform refund based on transaction ID (returned from doPayment method)

$paypal->doRefund($transactionId, 'inv123', false, 0, 'USD', '', $resultData)

For more information see index.php file.

NOTE: You need to have Express Checkout enabled on your live account