
Upcoming version of romaricpascal.is

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repository is now hosted on Gitlab. Please head there if you wish to contribute. Thanks 🙂


Code and content of my personal site.


Current version is built with NuxtJS

npm install

npm run dev

### Production build

Nuxt's generate command creates a production build of the site in the dist folder.

npm run generate

The site can then be served locally with npx serve dist or deployed to a remote server.

## Checking for broken links

wget proves super handy for checking broken links, with its --spider option. Only downside is that is downloads each page in a folder that needs to be cleaned up afterwards.

wget --spider --recursive --no-verbose localhost:3000 && rm -r localhost:3000

## Deployment

The deploy.sh script at the root of the repository will SCP the site to a remote server and unpack it in the appropriate folder (making a backup of the previous one).

./deploy user@example.com destination_folder