Tool for analyzing includes in C++. One of the problem in C++ is that if header file was changed all files that include the file will be recompiled and sometime it takes a lot of time.

Table of Contents


Example from docs/examples/simple_example/

  • file base_char_factory.hpp
#pragma once
#include "base_char.hpp"
#include <memory>

class BaseCharFactory
    virtual ~BaseCharFactory() = default;
    virtual std::unique_ptr< BaseChar > createObject() = 0;
  • file base_char.hpp
#pragma once
#include "char_kind.hpp"

class BaseChar
    virtual ~BaseChar() = default;
    virtual CharKind getKind() const noexcept = 0;

If file char_kind.hpp is changed all files that include base_char_factory.hpp and base_char.hpp will be recompile and it will take time. This tool helps to find file in top of include hierarchy:

Most impact files:
1 : "char_kind.hpp" impact on 11 file(s)
Included by:
   1 : "base_char.hpp" line 3, impact on 10 file(s)
2 : "base_char.hpp" impact on 10 file(s)
Included by:
    1 : "base_char_factory.hpp" line 3, impact on 5 file(s)
    2 : "char_a.hpp" line 3, impact on 2 file(s)
    3 : "char_b.hpp" line 3, impact on 2 file(s)
3 : "base_char_factory.hpp" impact on 5 file(s)
Included by:
    1 : "char_a_factory.hpp" line 3, impact on 2 file(s)
    2 : "char_b_factory.hpp" line 3, impact on 2 file(s)

See more examples in docs/examples/

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All arguments

Name Short description
--configuration_file=file Path to configuration file (default: .cppinclude.json)
--project_dir=dir Project directory
--file_extensions=arg1,arg2,... Extensions C++ files (default: *.cpp, *.hpp,*.c,*.h,*.cxx,*.hxx)
--analyze_without_extension=true Analyze files without extension (default: false)
--include_dirs=dir1,dir2,... Include directories
--ignore_dirs=dir1,dir2,... Directories that will be ignored
--ignore_system_includes=true Ignore headers in <> (default: false)
--ignore_files=regexp1,regexp2,... Files will be ignored by regexp
--report=name1,name2,... List reports (default: unresolved,most_impact)
--report_limit=42 Maximum elements in report, 0 - unlimited (default: 10)
--report_details_limit=42 Maximum details in report, 0 - unlimited (default: 10)
--show_std_files Show standard library headers in output (default: false)
--help Show usage
--verbose Verbose mode
--version Show application version

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The tool read setting from .cppinclude.json in work directory or you can set file in argument configuration_file. For example:

cppinclude --configuration_file=project.json

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Path to folder with sources. Often source files are located in src or sources folder, not in root folder of project. You can set in configuration file:

    "project_dir" : "src"

or in arguments:

cppinclude --project_dir=src

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If you use file extensions for C++ that aren’t in default values. You can set in configuration file:

    "file_extensions" : ["*.cc", "*.hh"]

or in arguments:

cppinclude --file_extensions=*.cc,*hh

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Analyze files in project directory without extension, default: false. You can set in configuration file:

    "analyze_without_extension" : true

or in arguments:

cppinclude --analyze_without_extension=true

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Add folders where search included files. Default value is project folder. You can set in configuration file:

    "include_dirs" : [ "lib1", "lib2"]

or in arguments:

cppinclude --include_dirs=lib1,lib2

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Folders that will be ignored during analyzing project’s files. It can be third-party libraries that are located in project directory but don't need to analyze. You can set in configuration file:

    "ignore_dirs" : ["./3rd-part", "gtest"]

or in arguments:

cppinclude --ignore_dirs=./3rd-part,gtest

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Ignore includes with <>, example #include <iostream> will be ignored. You can set in configuration file:

    "ignore_system_includes" : true

or in arguments:

cppinclude --ignore_system_includes=true

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Ignore files by regexp. The tool will ignore files in project’s directory and files in includes. For example, ignore all boost files or generated files (*.gen). You can set in configuration file

    "ignore_files" : [ "boost/.*", ".*\\.def"]

or in arguments:

cppinclude --ignore_files=boost/.*,.*\\.def

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Name of report. Possible values:

  • unresolved -- show included files that are not found in project folder;
  • most_impact -- show files that most impact on other files.

This report show how many files will be recompiled if the file is changes

cppinclude --report=unresolved
cppinclude --report=most_impact
cppinclude --report=unresolved,most_impact

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Maximum number of files in report. For example, only 5 unresolved files will be in report:

cppinclude --report=unresolved --report_limit=5

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Maximum number of detail in report. For example, only 3 files will be in report that include unresolved file

cppinclude --report=unresolved --report_details_limit=3

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Show standard library headers in output.

cppinclude --show_std_files=true

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  • C++17
  • Cmake
  • GCC/Clang/Visual Studio

Build script on Windows:


on Unix:


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Tips for optimization includes

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Third-party libraries

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If you need help with your project or need some feature please write email to cppinclude@yandex.com

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