
Next project has 3 maven modules.

atm-client - simple thin REST client which proxies all requests to 'bank-core-service'

bank-core-service - main backend bank-api - common jar with api

Docker compose has 3 services

  1. atm-client - in a host network
  2. bank-core - in private network
  3. postgres - in private network


mvn install
docker compose build
docker-compose up


Simple bank core has on 5 entities on its backend. card, card_session, card_login_unsuccessful_attempt, account, client

App works with predefined data It doesn't support card issue,unblock, add new clients to system and other operations not included to requirements


Session is initiated from frontend and JWT token stores in cookies. Further this token will be added to request headers between atm and bank Token TTL - 60 seconds User should login via /auth/login with 3 attempts in las minute, otherwise his card will blocked

Failover and exception handling

Atm has circuit breaker in case if bank unreacheble Atm translates all exceptions from backend Every exception in application is logged


Java 11, Spring boot, JOOQ, Postgres, Swagger, Feign, Hystrix, Junit+Mockito for unit tests account operations, JWT token