
Simple PHP script to create static links for dynamically generated m3u8 links

Primary LanguagePHPThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Simple PHP script to create static links for dynamically generated m3u8 links

Please pass the channel ID as GET parameter "channel" to be redirected to the dynamically generated link of the channel. E.g. channel=euronews_en to be redicted to Euronews English online stream.

The channels currently supported are:

  • Euronews English: euronews_en
  • Euronews French: euronews_fr
  • Euronews German: euronews_de
  • Euronews Italian: euronews_it
  • Euronews Spanish: euronews_es
  • Euronews Portuguese: euronews_pt
  • Euronews Russian: euronews_ru
  • Euronews Greek: euronews_gr
  • Euronews Hungarian: euronews_hu
  • TVI: tvi
  • TVI24: tvi24
  • TVI Reality: tvi_reality
  • TVI Internacional: tvi_internacional
  • TVI Ficção: tvi_ficcao
  • Now直播台: nowtv_zhibotai
  • Now新聞台: nowtv_xinwentai
  • 民視HD: minshi_hd
  • 民視第一台: minshi_diyitai
  • 民視台灣台: minshi_taiwantai
  • 民視新聞台: minshi_xinwentai
  • 民視影劇台: minshi_yingjutai
  • 民視綜藝台: minshi_zongyitai
  • 民視旅遊台: minshi_lvyoutai