
The official Neovim plugin for Supermaven

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Supermaven Neovim Plugin

This plugin, supermaven-nvim, lets you use Supermaven in Neovim. If you encounter any issues while using supermaven-nvim, consider opening an issue or reaching out to us on Discord.


Using a plugin manager, run the .setup({}) function in your Neovim configuration file.

Using lazy.nvim

      config = function()
}, {})
use {
  config = function()

Optional configuration

By default, supermaven-nvim will use the <Tab> and <C-]> keymaps to accept and clear suggestions. You can change these keymaps by passing a keymaps table to the .setup({}) function. Also in this table is accept_word, which allows partially accepting a completion, up to the end of the next word. By default this keymap is set to <C-j>.

The ignore_filetypes table is used to ignore filetypes when using supermaven-nvim. If a filetype is present as a key, and its value is true, supermaven-nvim will not display suggestions for that filetype.

suggestion_color and cterm options can be used to set the color of the suggestion text.

  keymaps = {
    accept_suggestion = "<Tab>",
    clear_suggestion = "<C-]>",
    accept_word = "<C-j>",
  ignore_filetypes = { cpp = true },
  color = {
    suggestion_color = "#ffffff",
    cterm = 244,
  disable_inline_completion = false, -- disables inline completion for use with cmp
  disable_keymaps = false -- disables built in keymaps for more manual control

Using with nvim-cmp

If you are using nvim-cmp, you can use the supermaven source (which is registered by default) by adding the following to your cmp.setup() function:

-- cmp.lua
cmp.setup {
  sources = {
    { name = "supermaven" },

It also has a builtin highlight group CmpItemKindSupermaven. To add an icon to Supermaven for lspkind, simply add Supermaven to your lspkind symbol map.

-- lspkind.lua
local lspkind = require("lspkind")
  symbol_map = {
    Supermaven = "",

vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpItemKindSupermaven", {fg ="#6CC644"})

Alternatively, you can add Supermaven to the lspkind symbol_map within the cmp format function.

-- cmp.lua
cmp.setup {
  formatting = {
    format = lspkind.cmp_format({
      mode = "symbol",
      max_width = 50,
      symbol_map = { Supermaven = "" }

Programatically checking and accepting suggestions

Alternatively, you can also check if there is an active suggestion and accept it programatically.

For example:

  disable_keymaps = true


M.expand = function(fallback)
  local luasnip = require('luasnip')
  local suggestion = require('supermaven-nvim.completion_preview')

  if luasnip.expandable() then
  elseif suggestion.has_suggestion() then


Upon starting supermaven-nvim, you will be prompted to either use the Free Tier with the command :SupermavenUseFree or to activate a Supermaven Pro subscription by following a link, which will connect your Supermaven account.

If Supermaven is set up, you can use :SupermavenLogout to switch versions.