A Python interface to MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver, http://mumps.enseeiht.fr/)

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Python inferface to MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver).

Build Status

It supports all four types (single real, double real, single complex and double complex).


For now, MUMPS.py only works with the SEQUENTIAL version of MUMPS.


branch master

  1. You need to install MUMPS. Follow instructions on their website. If you are under OS X, a Homebrew formula is available. Follow the instructions to install Homebrew. Then, MUMPS and its dependencies can be installed automatically in /usr/local by typing

     brew install gcc  # contains gfortran
     brew tap homebrew/science
     brew install mumps --without-mpi
  2. Clone repository

     git clone git@github.com:optimizers/MUMPS.py.git
  3. Install Python dependencies

     pip install numpy
  4. Copy site.template.cfg to site.cfg and adjust it to your needs

  5. Install MUMPS.py

     python setup.py build
     python setup.py install

branch develop

  1. You need to install MUMPS. Follow instructions on their website. If you are under OS X, a Homebrew formula is available. Follow the instructions to install Homebrew. Then, MUMPS and its dependencies can be installed automatically in /usr/local by typing

     brew install gcc  # contains gfortran
     brew tap homebrew/science
     brew install mumps
  2. Clone repository

     git clone git@github.com:optimizers/MUMPS.py.git
  3. Install Python dependencies

     pip install numpy
     pip install cygenja
  4. Copy site.template.cfg to site.cfg and adjust it to your needs

  5. Generate Cython files

     python generate_code.py
  6. Install MUMPS.py

     python setup.py build
     python setup.py install

Running tests

pip install pytest
py.test tests


  • Add a refine method
  • Add tests for everything
  • Make statistics work
  • ensure all code is PEP8 and PEP257 compliant