Challenges and solutions for the CTF hosted at EKOPARTY 2022.
The CTF is available to be played online at CTF Protocol
Lucas is a scientist who lives with his cat in a big house that has 2^256 rooms. His cat likes to play hide and seek and jumps to a random room whenever it hears a door opening in another one. Can you find Lucas' cat? Set the variable catFound to true to win this challenge.
Challenge: ChallengeHiddenKitty.sol
Solution: ChallengeHiddenKitty.s.sol
You and a small group of scientists have been working on a global counteroffensive against the invader.
We've recovered some of the ship's source code and need to find a way to hack it!
You have already studied the code and realized that to survive you need to take control of the Mothership.
Your objective is to hack the Mothership instance (change the hacked bool to true).
Good luck, the earth's future depends on you!
Challenge: ChallengeMothership.sol
Solution: ChallengeMothership.s.sol
We might have spotted a honeypot... Can you manage to obtain the real jackpot?.
Hacking casino slot machines is considered illegal.
Challenge: ChallengeTrickster.sol
Solution: ChallengeTrickster.s.sol
Some security researchers have recently found an eighth Horrocrux, it seems that Voldemort has link to a smart contract, can you destroy it?
Challenge: ChallengeSmartHorrocrux.sol
Solution: ChallengeSmartHorrocrux.s.sol
The organizers of Ekoparty decided that the tickets for the 2023 conference would be purchased through a smart contract. However, the conference is oversold and you have to sign up for a waitlist to get your ticket. The problem is that they put you on hold for ten years and the only option you have is to extend the wait. After the wait is over, you have to enter a raffle to see if you get the ticket
Challenge: ChallengeGoldenTicket.sol
Solution: ChallengeGoldenTicket.s.sol
You have infiltrated in a big investment firm (name says something about arrows), your task is to loose all their money.
Challenge: ChallengeStonks.sol
Solution: ChallengeStonks.s.sol
Within the world of crossovers there is a special one, where the universes of pokemon, harry potter and solidity intertwine. In this crossover a mixed creature is created between dumbledore's phoenix, a wild ditto and since we are in the solidity universe this creature is a contract. We have called it Phoenixtto and it has two important abilities, that of being reborn from it's ashes after its destruction and that of copying the behavior of another bytecode.
Try to capture the Phoenixtto, if you can...
Challenge: ChallengePhoenixtto.sol
Solution: ChallengePhoenixtto.s.sol
Can you trick the machine to get root access?
Challenge: ChallengeRootMe.sol
Solution: ChallengeRootMe.s.sol
You just open your eyes and are in Mexico 1986, help Diego to set the score from 1 to 2 goals for a win, do whatever is necessary!
Challenge: ChallengePelusa.sol
Solution: ChallengePelusa.s.sol
We are all living in the Inflation Metaverse, a digital world dominated by the INFLA token. Stability has become a scarce resource and even going to the store is a painful experience: we need to rely on oracles that sign off-chain data that lasts a couple of blocks because updating prices on-chain would be complete madness.
You are out of INFLAs and you are starving, can you defeat the system?
Challenge: ChallengeMetaverseSupermarket.sol
Solution: ChallengeMetaverseSupermarket.s.sol
The evil Dr. N. Gas has put into orbit a machine that can suck all the air out of the atmosphere. You sneaked into his spaceship and must find a nozzle to open the main valve and stop the machine! Assert the situation and don't panic. Hint: on the valve is marked "model no. EIP-150"
Challenge: ChallengeValve.sol
Solution: ChallengeValve.s.sol