
This is the backend code for my part of the web project we did as the final project at Mission Ready HQ 'Full-Stack developer accelerator - Level 4' course.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the backend of the final project of the Mission Ready HQ, Full-stack accelerator course - Level 4. This is my first actual Express app.

Mission X related information can be found in the Mission X instructions folder.

This is deployed in Heroku. The link is below.

Mission Ready HQ - LevelUp Works - Backend

Deployed Front-end is below.

Mission Ready HQ - LevelUp Works - Frontend

The front-end repository is below.

Mission Ready HQ - LevelUp Works - Frontend repository

Test data to test the APIs are located in Sample Data.md file.

You may run,

npm install

after cloning the project to check and test the code. Thank you. 😁👍