Table of Contents generated with DocToc
An Ansible role to configure network interfaces
- Define dhcp, static, and manual settings
- Create VLAN, bonds, bridges, and interfaces
- Create Open vSwitch bridges, bonds, and interfaces
See Example Playbook for examples of how to define specific network configurations.
NOTE: If creating Open vSwitch configurations you will need to use the ansible-openvswitch Ansible role
# defaults file for ansible-config-interfaces
# Defines if network bonds should be configured as defined
config_network_bonds: false
# Defines if network bridges should be configured as defined
config_network_bridges: false
# Defines if interfaces should be configured as defined
config_network_interfaces: false
# Defines if vlans should be configured as defined
config_network_vlans: false
# Defines if Open vSwitch bonds should be configured as defined
config_ovs_bonds: false
# Defines if Open vSwitch bridges should be configured as defined
config_ovs_bridges: false
# Defines if Open vSwitch interfaces should be configured as defined
config_ovs_interfaces: false
# Defines all dns servers to configure
- ''
- ''
# Defines your global dns suffix search
dns_search: '{{ pri_domain_name }}'
# Defines if interfaces, bonds, bridges, vlans, ovs_bonds, ovs_bridges and
# ovs_interfaces should be brought up after defining.
enable_configured_interfaces_after_defining: false
# Defines non Open vSwitch network bonds
network_bonds: []
# - name: 'bond0'
# address: ''
# netmask: ''
# configure: true
# comment: 'Bond Group 0'
# method: 'static'
# parameters:
# - param: 'bond_mode'
# val: 'active-backup'
# - param: 'bond_miimon'
# val: '100'
# # - param: 'miimon'
# # val: '100'
# # - param: 'mode'
# # val: 'active-backup'
# - param: 'primary'
# val: 'enp0s9'
# slaves:
# - 'enp0s9'
# - 'enp0s10'
# Defines non Open vSwitch network bridges
network_bridges: []
# - name: 'br0'
# configure: true
# comment: 'Bridge 0'
# method: 'static'
# address: ''
# netmask: ''
# netmask_cidr: '24'
# # gateway: ''
# parameters:
# - param: 'bridge_stp'
# val: 'off'
# - param: 'bridge_fd'
# val: '0'
# # - param: 'up route add default gw'
# # val: ''
# ports:
# - 'enp0s16'
# Defines non Open vSwitch network interfaces
network_interfaces: []
# - name: 'enp0s3'
# configure: true
# method: 'dhcp'
# parameters:
# - param: 'pre-up sleep'
# val: '2'
# - name: 'enp0s8'
# configure: true
# method: 'static'
# address: ''
# netmask: ''
# - name: 'enp0s9'
# configure: true
# comment: 'bond0 member'
# method: 'manual'
# parameters:
# - param: 'bond_master'
# val: 'bond0'
# - name: 'enp0s10'
# configure: true
# comment: 'bond0 member'
# method: 'manual'
# parameters:
# - param: 'bond_master'
# val: 'bond0'
# - name: 'enp0s16'
# configure: true
# comment: 'br0 member'
# method: 'manual'
# Defines non Open vSwitch network vlans
network_vlans: []
# - name: 'enp0s8.100'
# configure: true
# comment: 'VLAN 100'
# method: 'manual'
# address:
# netmask:
# netmask_cidr:
# gateway:
# vlan_device: 'enp0s8'
# Defines Open vSwitch bonds
ovs_bonds: []
# - name: 'bond0'
# # address:
# bridge: 'vmbr0'
# comment: 'OVS Bond'
# configure: true
# # gateway:
# method: 'manual'
# # netmask:
# # netmask_cidr:
# options:
# - opt: 'bond_mode'
# val: 'active-backup'
# - opt: 'lacp'
# val: 'off'
# # parameters:
# # - param: ''
# # val: ''
# ports:
# - 'enp0s9'
# - 'enp0s10'
# Defines Open vSwitch bridges
ovs_bridges: []
# - name: 'vmbr0'
# # address:
# comment: 'OVS Bridge'
# configure: true
# # gateway:
# method: 'manual'
# # netmask:
# # netmask_cidr:
# # options:
# # - opt: ''
# # val: ''
# # parameters:
# # - param: ''
# # val: ''
# ports:
# # - 'enp0s9'
# # - 'enp0s10'
# - 'bond0'
# - 'vlan1'
# Defines Open vSwitch interfaces
ovs_interfaces: []
# - name: 'vlan1'
# address:
# bridge: 'vmbr0'
# comment: 'VLAN1'
# configure: true
# gateway:
# method: 'static'
# netmask:
# netmask_cidr:
# # options:
# # - opt: 'vlan_mode'
# # val: 'access'
# # parameters:
pri_domain_name: ''
If interface is wireless you will need to define as such as well as provide the SSID and key.
# Ansible managed
# Any changes made here will be lost
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
########## Network Interfaces
auto enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet dhcp
pre-up sleep 2
auto enp0s8
iface enp0s8 inet static
# bond0 member
auto enp0s9
iface enp0s9 inet manual
bond_master bond0
# bond0 member
auto enp0s10
iface enp0s10 inet manual
bond_master bond0
# br0 member
auto enp0s16
iface enp0s16 inet manual
########## End of Network Interfaces
########## Network Bonds
# Bond Group 0
auto bond0
iface bond0 inet static
bond_slaves enp0s9 enp010
bond_primary enp0s9
bond_mode active-backup
bond_miimon 100
########## End of Network Bonds
########## Network Bridges
# Bridge 0
auto br0
iface br0 inet static
bridge_stp off
bridge_fd 0
bridge_ports enp0s16
########## End of Network Bridges
dns-search test.vagrant.local
# Ansible managed
# Any changes made here will be lost
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
########## Network Interfaces
auto enp0s3
iface enp0s3 inet dhcp
pre-up sleep 2
auto enp0s8
iface enp0s8 inet static
########## End of Network Interfaces
########## OVS Bonds
# OVS Bond
allow-vmbr0 bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
ovs_bridge vmbr0
ovs_type OVSBond
ovs_bonds enp0s9 enp0s10
ovs_options bond_mode=active-backup lacp=off
########## End of OVS Bonds
########## OVS Bridges
# OVS Bridge
auto vmbr0
allow-ovs vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet manual
ovs_type OVSBridge
ovs_ports bond0 vlan1
########## End of OVS Bridges
########## OVS Interfaces
allow-vmbr0 vlan1
iface vlan1 inet static
ovs_bridge vmbr0
ovs_type OVSIntPort
########## End of OVS Interfaces
dns-search test.vagrant.local
Larry Smith Jr.
- @mrlesmithjr
- EverythingShouldBeVirtual
- mrlesmithjr [at]