Scrimba Basketball-Scoreboard

Table of contents

Figma Design

Scrimba Basketball Scoreboard design


The challenge

  • To build a Basketball Scoreboard using HTML, CSS and Javascript (whilst following the figma design).




My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • Plain CSS
  • Javascript
  • Mobile-first workflow

What I learned

I learned many fundamental concepts about Javascript and practiced those concepts on this project. Some examples include variables, functions, incrementing and DOM. I enjoyed challenging practicing the concepts I have learned and addedd an additional feature of New Game to reset the game settings.

Javascript Snippet Code:

let homeScore = document.getElementById("home-score")

let homeWholeScore = 0

function add1() {
    homeWholeScore += 1
    homeScore.textContent = homeWholeScore



This challenge was completed through the short Scrimba course (Learn Javascript for free) and was the first solo challenge to be completed.