
Clone of Twitter using Next.js, sanity CMS, Typescript, SSR (Server side rendering), Tailwind CSS, NextAuth, GROQ language and Deploy on vercel

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Twitter Clone

  • Stack used - Next.js, sanity CMS, Typescript, SSR (Server side rendering), Tailwind CSS, NextAuth, GROQ language, React Twitter Embed, next-sanity and Deploy on vercel
  • The content loading on our twitter app will be through SSR
  • Now you can login using twitter only then you will be able to make tweet

Project Video


About Sanity

  • How to query sanity platform using GROQ (query language similar to graphQL)
  • Will use sanity as it is a content platform, use Sanity studio to create our structured content
  • Sanity studio will allow us to store our tweets, Allow us to have comments reference to each tweet (signin/signup to sanity account with your account)
  • Sanity - install sanity globally (npm install -g @sanity/cli) - use sanity init in project with coupon (sanity init --coupon sonny2022)
  • After building sanity, You will get sanity folder inside project - Think of it as a small project inside your project
    • cd sanity
    • sanity start → Starts sanity studio on your machine
    • Then login in screen at port 3333-
  • When you launch studio you can see that sanity provides functionality of providing comments with reference to posts while creating them
  • You can see your tweets, fetched from API (getTweets.ts) which fetches from sanity studio using groq

Other stacks used

yarn add next-sanity @portabletext/react @sanity/image-url
  • Used React twitter embed for having RHS panel Feed, We just put username and it gets its feed to panel - https://github.com/saurabhnemade/react-twitter-embed

  • react-timeago npm library - shows how long ago tweet was made it updates time without reloading and takes time from our api - https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-timeago (yarn add react-timeago)

    • to add type definition for react-timeago - (yarn add --dev @types/react-timeago)
  • Used getServerSideProps - If you export a function called getServerSideProps  (Server-Side Rendering) from a page, Next.js will pre-render this page on each request using the data returned by getServerSideProps

  • typings.d.ts file which defines type definition for typescript

  • Used React-hot-toast - creates toast - https://react-hot-toast.com/ (yarn add react-hot-toast)

  • If you get error like node version is not compatible run - yarn config set ignore-engines true

    • Then run yarn add next-auth
    • How NextAuth works - It makes sessions for signing and signout for a user, In our app we have used Twitter client id and secret key for authentication of user/ signin of user through twitter
  • ApiEndPoint from sanity - https://www.sanity.io/docs/http-mutations for mutations (From mutations we have added the functionality of adding tweets)

    • In mutation we post our tweet in sanity backend and then fetch and show it
  • In tailwind CSS to hide scroll bar use tailwind-scrollbar-hide (yarn add tailwind-scrollbar-hide) → https://www.npmjs.com/package/tailwind-scrollbar-hide

Important project links

How to run project

Make .env.local file in root folder

  • adding NEXT_PUBLIC means allow this to see in client as well as server side
  • to get API key - go to sanity-project-API-Add API Token
    • Name - Twitter-clone
    • permission - editor - save
    • It will show API token only once so save it
  • Save below things in .env.local file
NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID=projectid      //project id from sanity
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000/  //later replace when hosting

NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000/          //change while Deploying

TWITTER_CLIENT_SECRET=secret_key             //from twitter developer account and make development app

To update feed just change username to yours

  • In Widgets.tsx file
        screenName="romiljain" //change username here
        options={{ height: 1000 }}

Important Commands

npm install   //installs Node modules
yarn dev      //runs project

cd sanity
sanity start  //starts sanity studio make account on it first

To use HeroIcons just import package - check icons here https://heroicons.com/ - Search for any icon - remove dash b/w them and add Icon at last

  • ex - if icon name is badge-check write it as BadgeCheckIcon
  • import {Icons} from '@heroicons/react/solid' → for solid one
  • import {Icons} from '@heroicons/react/outline' → for outline one

Useful links