
Vertex PaLM API integration with streamlit and Flask


Vertex PaLM API integration with streamlit and Flask

Step 1:

git clone https://github.com/lavinigam-gcp/vertex_palm_streamlit_flask.git

Step 2:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 3: run these commands on shell for gcloud auth

#replace your project-id with PROJECT_ID. Make sure you have billing and Vertex API enabled before doing this.

gcloud auth application-default login

gcloud auth application-default set-quota-project "PROJECT_ID"

Step 4:

cd vertex_palm_streamlit_flask

Step 5: add your project-id in code as well. Do not skip step 3.

app.py ---> PROJECT_ID = "" #top of the page

flask_app.py ---> PROJECT_ID = "" #top of the page

Step 6(a): To run streamlit:

streamlit run app.py

Step 6(b): To run flask webapp:

python flask_app.py

Step 7: Enjoy the API