
Divcon source code

Primary LanguageHaskellOtherNOASSERTION

Getting Started with DivCon

DivCon is based on Unison, a software tool that performs register allocation and instruction scheduling in integration using combinatorial optimization.


Unison has the following dependencies: Stack, Qt (version 5.x, optional see #33), Graphviz library (also optional), and Gecode (version 6.2.0). To get the first three dependencies in Debian-based distributions, just run:

apt-get install haskell-stack qtbase5-dev libgraphviz-dev

Upgrade Slack after installing it:

stack upgrade

The source of Gecode can be fetched with:

wget https://github.com/Gecode/gecode/archive/release-6.2.0.tar.gz

and installed from the sources (a simple procedure is as follows):

tar xzfv release-6.2.0.tar.gz
cd gecode-release-6.2.0
sudo make install


Clone the code from Github:

git clone https://github.com/romits800/divCon.git


If it is the first time you run cabal run:

cabal update

Just go to the src directory and run:

make build


The building process generates three binaries. The installation process consists in copying the binaries into the appropriate system directory. To install the binaries under the default directory usr/local just run:

make install

The installation directory is specified by the Makefile variable PREFIX. To install the binaries under an alternative directory $DIR just run:

make install PREFIX=$DIR


If you have a .mir file you can run DivCon as follows:

uni import --target=mips factorial.mir -o factorial.uni --function=factorial --maxblocksize=50 --goal=speed
uni linearize --target=mips factorial.uni -o factorial.lssa.uni
uni extend --target=mips  factorial.lssa.uni -o factorial.ext.uni
uni augment --target=mips factorial.ext.uni -o factorial.alt.uni
uni model --target=mips factorial.alt.uni -o factorial.json 
gecode-presolver -o factorial.ext.json -dzn factorial.dzn --verbose factorial.json

Run the gecode solver:

gecode-solver  -o factorial.out.json --verbose factorial.ext.json

or the portfolio solver (requires installing MiniZincIDE-2.2.3-bundle-linux):

export DIVCON_PATH=/path/to/divCon
export MINIZINC_PATH=/path/to/minizincIDE/bin
export PATH=${PATH}:${DIVCON_PATH}/src/solvers/gecode:${DIVCON_PATH}/src/solvers/multi_backend/minizinc/:${DIVCON_PATH}/src/solvers/multi_backend/:${MINIZINC_PATH}:${DIVCON_PATH}/src/solvers/multi_backend/common/ UNISON_DIR=${DIVCON_PATH}
${DIVCON_PATH}/src/solvers/multi_backend/portfolio-solver -o factorial.out.json --verbose factorial.ext.json

And run the diversifier for:

  • Gap to optimal = 10%
  • Diversification algorithm = LNS ..* Relax rate = 70% ..* Restart sequence = constant ..* Restart scale = 500
  • Random seed = 123
  • Distance = Hamming
  • Number of variants = 100
flags="--disable-copy-dominance-constraints --disable-infinite-register-dominance-constraints --disable-operand-symmetry-breaking-constraints --disable-register-symmetry-breaking-constraints --disable-temporary-symmetry-breaking-constraints --disable-wcet-constraints"

gecode-diversify  ${flags} --acceptable-gap 10 --relax 0.7 --seed 123 --distance hamming --div-method monolithic_lns --restart constant --restart-scale 500 --number-divs 100 --solver-file factorial.out.json --use-optimal-for-diversification  --divs-dir $DIVS_DIR -o factorial.out.json --enable-solver-solution-brancher --branching clrandom  factorial.ext.json

This will generate 100 files with names {0..99}.factorial.out.json.



Check out Unison's work-in-progress manual. The manual's source can be found in the doc directory.

Source-level documentation is also available for the core Haskell modules of Unison (MachineIR.Base, Unison.Base, and Unison.Target.API). To generate this documentation in HTML format and open it with a web browser, just run:

make doc


For any questions or issues on DivCon contact: Rodothea Myrsini Tsoupidi [tsoupidi@kth.se]


DivCon is licensed under the BSD3 license, see the LICENSE.md file for details.