
Minimoog inspired MIDI Control Surface

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Minimoog inspired MIDI Control Surface


MidiMood is a MIDI Control Surface inspired by the synth classic Minimoog. It runs on an atmega32U4 (in this case a cheap Pro Mirco Arduino Leonardo clone) and has 26 Potmeters, 11 switches and an LED. Connected to an iPad and running the Minimoog app, one has a cheap version of a Minimoog. The design is inspired by Gustavo Silveira's 2019 midimood, see

The code included in the rep runs on tttapa (Pieter P)'s wonderfully powerful Control Surface, https://github.com/tttapa/Control-Surface This library (platform) is incredibly powerful, but at the same time very resource consuming. The MidiMood hardware contains a lot of stuff that cannnot be accomodated for in the memory space available on a Pro Micro.


  • bus powered USB midi (just plug the board in an iPad, Mac or PC and go)
  • 26 potentiometers that can each be mapped on a CC message in the firmware
  • 11 switches that can each be mapped on a CC message in the firmware
  • optional front panel
  • pcb can be used without front panel (silk screen contains the labels for the various pots)

midimoog v3 pcb front


  • the board contains serial MIDI in (3.5 mm TRS) with opto-coupler (untested)
  • MIDI out (3.5 mm TRS)
  • 4 analog inputs
  • 2 digital inputs
  • a USB-host adapter allowing hooking up a USB midi keyboard
