Text file processor

Current project includes shared library, unit tests based on "Catch" framework and main program for working with the input text file. Library supports 2 modes:

  1. Finding the occurrences of the necessary word.

  2. Calculation of the 32bit checksum based on algorithm: checksum = word1 + word2 + ... + wordN.


Framework for unit tests [Catch] (https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2)


Library includes classes for input parameters processing, input file processing and data processing.







Unit tests include "catch.hpp" header file and "catch_tests.cpp" source file



Main program includes "TextFileProcessor.cpp" source file


How to build

To build the project you should use cmake 3.16+ and GCC 6+.

You can build a separate shared library or you can build tests or main program which will use pre-built library.

To build the library only please run "cmake ~pwd" from "FileProcessor/src" folder. To build the tests + library please run "cmake ~pwd" from "FileProcessor/test" folder. To build the main program + library please run "cmake ~pwd" from "FileProcessor/program" folder.


To run the tests please run executable file "catch_tests".

Note: For correct calculation of the checksum on Linux, please use correct end of lines.