- Configure project
- Install dependencies
composer install --no-dev
- Run migrations
./vendor/bin/yii migrate/up
The minimum requirement by this project template that your Web server supports PHP 7.4.0.
Local params example:
<?php // File config/params-local.php
return [
// Common Cycle config
'yiisoft/yii-cycle' => [
// Cycle DBAL config
'dbal' => [
* SQL query logger
* You may use {@see \Yiisoft\Yii\Cycle\Logger\StdoutQueryLogger} class to pass log to
* stdout or any PSR-compatible logger
'query-logger' => null,
// Default database (from 'databases' list)
'default' => 'default',
'aliases' => [],
'databases' => [
'default' => ['connection' => 'postgres']
'connections' => [
// Example SQLite connection:
'postgres' => [
'driver' => \Spiral\Database\Driver\Postgres\PostgresDriver::class,
'options' => [
'connection' => 'pgsql:host=;dbname=YOUR_DB_NAME',
'username' => 'YOUR_LOGIN',
'password' => 'YOUR_PASSWORD',
* A list of DB schema providers for {@see \Yiisoft\Yii\Cycle\Schema\SchemaManager}
* Providers are implementing {@see SchemaProviderInterface}.
* The configuration is an array of provider class names. Alternatively, you can specify provider class as key
* and its config as value:
'schema-providers' => [
\Yiisoft\Yii\Cycle\Schema\Provider\SimpleCacheSchemaProvider::class => [
'key' => 'db-schema'
// \Yiisoft\Yii\Cycle\Schema\Provider\FromFileSchemaProvider::class => [
// 'file' => '@runtime/cycle-schema.php'
// ],
See "Aliases" in the guide.
'yiisoft/cache-file' => [
'file-cache' => [
// cache directory path
'path' => '@runtime/cache'
use Psr\Log\LogLevel;
'yiisoft/log-target-file' => [
'file-target' => [
// route directory file log
'file' => '@runtime/logs/app.log',
// levels logs target
'levels' => [
'file-rotator' => [
// maximum file size, in kilo-bytes. Defaults to 10240, meaning 10MB.
'maxfilesize' => 10,
// number of files used for rotation. Defaults to 5.
'maxfiles' => 5,
// the permission to be set for newly created files.
'filemode' => null,
// Whether to rotate files by copy and truncate in contrast to rotation by renaming files.
'rotatebycopy' => null
See "Logging" in the guide.
'yiisoft/yii-web' => [
'session' => [
// options for cookies
'options' => ['cookie_secure' => 0],
// session handler
'handler' => null
'yiisoft/view' => [
// Custom parameters that are shared among view templates.
'defaultParameters' => [
'applicationParameters' => 'App\\Common\\Application\\ApplicationParameters',
'assetManager' => 'Yiisoft\Assets\AssetManager',
'theme' => [
// Apply pathMap example: ['@resources/layout' => '@resources/theme'] in yiisoft/app
// Apply pathMap example: ['@resources/layout' => '@modulealiases/theme'] in module
'pathMap' => [],
'basePath' => '',
'baseUrl' => '',
'yiisoft/yii-debug' => [
// enabled/disabled debugger
'enabled' => true
'app' => [
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
'language' => 'en',
'name' => 'My Project',
The template comes with ready to use Codeception configuration. In order to execute tests run:
composer run serve > ./runtime/yii.log 2>&1 &
vendor/bin/codecept run