
power10k doesn't display git status.

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm using zsh + prezto, I have git module loaded in ~/.zpreztorc and set the theme to powerlevel10k.

Git status in the prompt works in some repo, however it almost never gets displayed in an android checkout repo.
How to make the git status to show in an android git repo?

z0rc commented

Dupe of #1554.

Dupe of #1554.

The fix (adding unset ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_USE_ASYNC) in #1554 doesn't fix the problem that git status is not showing up in android repos.

Edited the question to remove the error logs as they seem to be red herring.

Thanks for getting back! The git status worked 1 or 2 times before, but 99% of time it doesn't work.

The android repos doesn't seem to use sparse checkout or split index or SHA256, all of the following returns no output:

git config --get core.sparseCheckout
git config --get core.splitIndex
git config --get extensions.objectFormat

It uses something but I don't remember what. You might be able to find it in past issues. The tl;dr is that gitststusd don't work in that repo.