- 1
- 15
Shorten the last directory name (basename)
#2803 opened by MahdiNazemi - 0
Doesn't play nicely with a single remote using two distinct push- and fetch- urls
#2799 opened by ccjmne - 2
- 2
Can I stop fetching gitstatusd?
#2800 opened by hjsg1010 - 1
Instant prompt incompatibility with oh-my-zsh
#2801 opened by Omoeba - 0
- 3
git show "master !3 ?1"
#2797 opened by sechelper - 0
theme issue
#2796 opened by subhradeepkundu2005 - 1
- 1
- 9
pyenv virtual env does not show until activate is run
#2791 opened by Carniatto - 7
Duplicated Prompt
#2793 opened by xela1601 - 1
Instant Prompt not sourcing my ~/.p10k.zsh file
#2792 opened by nickw8 - 4
- 0
#2786 opened by chatpong-v - 2
Show git branch on git command?
#2781 opened by doanngochieuo - 2
MacOS 15.1 show ???
#2785 opened by zouchengli - 7
No such file or directory: powerlevel10k.zsh-theme
#2783 opened by MrOctocat - 1
Multiple -zsh processes from p10k
#2780 opened by smartinellimarco - 2
Escape sequences cause padding to brake
#2777 opened by canTuncPekkan - 1
Context (user@hostname) not showing
#2775 opened by coderpanda11 - 1
Icons: OpenBSD and other get a FreeBSD Icon?
#2771 opened by silverhadch - 3
Build failure with GCC 14.2
#2767 opened by zeule - 7
[oh-my-zsh] errors
#2768 opened by klazustrem - 4
- 11
tmux: creating new windows or (split window) panes.
#2766 opened by ravensorrow - 3
Instant Prompt doesn't fit to terminal width initially
#2764 opened by rjeye - 2
How to remove the username and hostname and the space at the end of the shell
#2763 opened by yayangkasep - 1
Support ArgoCD context in prompt
#2762 opened by mhagnumdw - 3
new lines on changing window width
#2761 opened by rami-shalhoub - 2
kubecontext is not shown if namespace starts by a number
#2760 opened by slopezz - 0
git status not showing on repo with limited file permissions
#2759 opened by faethon - 3
MesloLGS NF Italic does not get installed on Ubuntu
#2756 opened by ved-asole - 1
- 2
remove vertical line
#2754 opened by SueRichard - 1
Why do commands repeat themselves?
#2750 opened by yanshicheng - 2
Unable to open .p10k.zsh
#2751 opened by XtriX203 - 5
aws profile not showing
#2749 opened by ravisrma - 3
Support for SecureCRT
#2746 opened by txynidakis - 2
Ctrl+C is broken when using zsh-history-substring-search plugin with powerlevel10k
#2742 opened by oxcl - 6
#2745 opened by princox - 5
When configuring using `p10k configure`, it will jump directly to 'Show current time?'
#2743 opened by FoundAdd - 1
i want display some welcome message at zsh startup , but encounter ` Console output during zsh initialization detected. `
#2727 opened by rmGFW - 1
Text foreground color is too dark
#2738 opened by kastermight - 2
parse error near `}'
#2739 opened by Lyton505 - 2
Mixed 'manual' and 'oh-my-zsh' installations.
#2735 opened by Diego-MX - 1
Support for postmarketOS icon in prompt
#2732 opened by maxigaz - 4
Powerlevel10k Issue displaying "?11"
#2729 opened by JasonYeYuhe - 5
power10k doesn't display git status.
#2728 opened by Zixuan-QU