Note: It's 2024 and I just found this on an old disk. The code was written in spring of 2005. This is a Massive-Multiplayer-Online-Chess-Game (aka MMOCG) The general idea is that it is NOT turn-based and that up to 32 players control one chess-piece each. It's all about speed and team-play :) Game-rules: - Normal chess rules apply to moving-abilities of pieces. - Moving the queen will render all chess-pieces for that team unmovable for two seconds. - The rest should just make sense. - If a piece is not moved for 20 seconds, the server might move it (this is excepting the king and (possibly) queen). - If a team's got more players than the other when a game starts: The last player(s) to enter are become pawns. A game starts when: - A minimum of N (2/4?) players are connected A game ends when: - When a team has failed to protect its king for ten seconds, this counter will reset every time the other team manages to make a move that takes them out of a threat. Or in other word: If your king remains checked for 10 seconds, you have lost. Supported commands on server (not client) in chess-mode: - reset restarts the game - recompile recompiles all server components (this will keep state of game intact thanks to DGD) - say - emote - ...more? - quit The content of this directory is according to the following structure: ~/data/ types ~/lib/ inheritables ~/obj/ cloables ~/sys/ daemons ~/include/ headers ~/old/ junk Tech-stuff: In ~System/initd.c you will find code that hands over connections to the "chess-user" (~/chess/obj/user.c) Authors: JR & GS (