2022 note: This project is two parts: a server mod and a website that will show some information provided by said server-mod. The original non-technical announcement around this was posted here: https://forum.wurmonline.com/index.php?/topic/144753-zenath-the-beginning-pvp-pve/page/4/ Note: I do not know whether this mod works on latest version of Wurm Unlimited. In general, though, pretty small patches are needed for upgrades. ===== This patch introduces PMKs as well as Kingdom Cores for all kingdoms. Zenath’s Kingdom System A Kingdom Core represents the right to one set of ruler titles and accompanying offices. If you acquire a kingdom core and you manage to hold on to it for 14 days then you can choose to found a new kingdom (PMK) or you can have the Cobra/Lady/Stone spawned (provided there is no current ruler for that kingdom). A kingdom can only hold one set of these titles at the same time. The Basics There can be at most 4 Kingdom Cores in the world at any point. Initially, these Kingdom Cores are distributed to the default kingdoms (Freedom Isles being the fourth). All Kingdom Cores can be tracked in and out of game. [1] Kingdom Cores returned to the common pool can be purchased through a 2-day auction.[2] Owning and storing a Kingdom Core The Kingdom Core is an immovable but loadable item that is required to be kept on the token tile of your designated deed.[3] Should the Kingdom Core be lost (through a raid, traitors/spies/thieves, does not matter) you have 14 days to reclaim it before losing ownership. You are allowed to change the home deed of a Kingdom Core once every thirty days.[4] Stealing a Kingdom Core Anyone out to steal a Kingdom Core needs to follow the same storage rules as the owner during the 14 days wait. If it is not properly stored[5], they lose the right to the Kingdom Core and it will be returned to the original owner. If you steal a Kingdom Core and manage to hold on to it for the 14 days, you will be granted the right to found a PMK or spawn one of the default kingdom electors [6]. If you choose not to, you will forfeit the Kingdom Core, placing it in the pool to be purchased. Consequences of losing a Kingdom Core If you are a PMK and lost the Kingdom Core and have been unable to get it back during the 14 day reclaim period, GM’s will force disband all deeds that are part of the PMK. [7] Unlike a PMK, default kingdoms (HOTS/JK/MR) will NOT be disbanded if their Kingdom Core is stolen. Instead, they will only lose rulership and title rights. They will still remain a kingdom. If your lost Kingdom Core have been returned to the common pool (no one else wanted it) then you are allowed to participate in the auction for it, getting a short time extension before any action to rulership is taken. Notes: As some parts of this is going to be managed through GM interaction, small reasonable concessions can be made because of real life getting in the way. If this is abused, the penalties will likely hurt, but is decided on a case by case basis. The things requiring GM interaction may also have a slight delay if real life gets in the way, so we ask for your patience there. [1] In game tracking will be hard to miss due to the red beam following Kingdom Cores around. Out of game tracking can be found here: http://zenath.net/kingdoms/index.php [2] Public bids on Zenath forums, you can be an anonymous bidder but if you are, you must disclose your identity to a GM before placing a bid. [3] Not storing the Kingdom Core properly will cause you to forfeit your right to that Kingdom Core (within reason). [4] A GM must be online and present during this interaction. A ticket should be created or it could result in the Kingdom Core being left on the previous deed until a GM moves it. You have the choice to move it yourself and after 14 days, it will become the home deed, if you do this, beware that if someone steal it at the new home on the 13th day, they would only have to defend it for one more day to “win it”. [5] Moving the core from A to B is okay, but during the 14 day period it must have been stored on a deed token. Whether this is determined to be the case or not is at GM’s discretion. [6] Lady of the Lake for Jenn-Kellon, Cobra King for Horde of the Summoned or Stone of the Sword for Mol Rehan. The elector will then make whomever talks to it first the ruler of the kingdom. [7] We will try and do this when someone is online from the "victim" PMK so they have the chance to re-deed. Your deeds are free to leave the PMK during the 14 day reclaim period to avoid the forced disband of individual deeds. If another Kingdom Core is available in the common pool, you are allowed to purchase it to replace the lost one.
A mod for the game Wurm Unlimited that introduces a new kind of PMK (Player Made Kingdom, it stands for if I recall correctly)