
P2P Chat Client

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

                       Rutgers CS352 Example Chat Client

Version 1.0.9
Last updated May 1, 2012

Git Repository: https://github.com/romoore/cs352-chat

This application is free software according to the terms and conditions of
the GNU General Purpose License, version 2.0 (or higher at your discretion).
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Purpose License v2.0 along
with this software as the file LICENSE.  If not, you may download a copy from

Compiling the client:
  The chat client has been written according to Java 1.6.  If you do not have
  Java 1.6 installed, please download and install the JDK from Oracle at

  To compile the chat client, include the "src/main/java" directory in the 
  class path and provide edu.rutgers.cs.chat.ChatClient as the main class to 
  be compiled:

    javac -cp src/main/java/ src/main/java/edu/rutgers/cs/chat/ChatClient.java

Running the client:
  The chat client requires 2 command-line parameters: local listen port and 
  username.  These are the first two parameters to the client.  Optionally,
  multiple remote clients may be specified as bootstrap clients.  Each pair of
  additional parameters are the remote host/IP address and port number.

  To start the client with "foo" as the username, listening on port 12345:
    java -cp src/main/java/ edu.rutgers.cs.chat.ChatClient 12345 foo

  To start the client with "foo" as the username, 12345 as the listen port,
  and as a bootstrap peer:
    java -cp src/main/java/ edu.rutgers.cs.chat.ChatClient 12345 foo 9999
  To start the client with "foo" as the username, 12345 as the listen port,
  a GUI, and as a bootstrap peer:
    java -cp src/main/java/ edu.rutgers.cs.chat.ChatClient 12345 foo \
      9999 --gui

Interacting with the console-based user interface:
  The current version uses a console user interface by default. Once connected
  to a remote peer, the user may send messages to all connected clients by
  typing a CR/LF-terminated string to standard input.  To send the message
  "Chatting is fun" to all currently-connected clients:
    Chatting is fun<CR/LF>

  It is possible to send a message to a specific peer (private chat) by 
  starting the message with @username.  To send the message "I like ponies" 
  only to username "bar":
    @bar I like ponies<CR/LF>

  The user may exit the chat client by typing the word "quit" alone on a line:

Interacting with the graphical user interface (GUI):
  You can use the GUI by passing --gui as a command-line option at startup.
  The GUI has several components: the User List shows all connected users,
  the Chat Log shows the chat history, You Message is a buffer where you can
  input your next message.  
  To send your message to all users, type it into the Your Message buffer, and
  click "Send" or press "Enter".  If you wish to input a newline character in
  your buffer, use Shift+Enter.  If you want to send a private message to
  another user, select their name in the User List and then click Send or
  press Enter after typing your message in the buffer.  You must reselect a
  user name to send another private message.

Start-up scripts:
  Two start-up scripts have been provided for ease in setting-up a consistent
  server to run and for clients to connect to.  They are provided in the
  "scripts" directory, "server.sh" and "client.sh".

  server.sh - By default listens on port 8765, which can be overridden with
  the "-p PORT" option.

  client.sh - By default connects to another client (server) at
  localhost:8765.  The host can be set with "-h HOSTNAME", and the port with
  "-p PORT".  "-g" will cause the client to launch with the GUI instead of the
  console UI.  The only required parameter is the chat client username,
  provided as the last command-line parameter.