
Ansible playbook to update freshly installed Linux workstations for my needs

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Ansible playbook to update freshly installed Linux workstations for my needs


For the default installation:

ansible-pull -U https://github.com/rompe/ansible-workstation

In addition, for NFS servers:

ansible-pull -U https://github.com/rompe/ansible-workstation nfs-server.yml

The host name localhost is used per default. This only works if /etc/ansible/hosts ist left empty or features a localhost line.

To be added manually

Some packages can't be installed using ansible.


Since the Eclipse packages that come with Fedora tend to break in various ways with every new release, I am switching to installing Eclipse manually using the Eclipse installer and selecting the Eclipse Committers package.

Just drag & drop the Install buttons of these projects onto a running eclipse:

For the EGit Mylyn Connector (which should be here but isn't at the moment), add these Update Sites:

Maybe the marketplace page is gone because the project is getting integrated to the main bundle? Check that.

For the Mylyn Web Templates connector the incubator has to be added to the update sites:

Mylyn GitLab Connector

The connector is outdated since Gitlab dropped API v3 nearly a year ago. See here: pweingardt/mylyn-gitlab#47

Since there is no upstream progress, I built this updated fork myself and published the result as an update site:


Just add this site to Eclipse and install the connector.


If you aren't me, you probably don't want to use this.