
GPT prompt A/B testing built with Next.js 13 and OpenAI

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Header image

Uncover the best prompts for your GPT-Powered applications with Rompt's system to Generate, Test, and Evaluate Prompt Combinations.

Get started


  • Node.js >18
  • Postgres database


First, clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/rompt-ai/rompt.git
cd rompt
npm i

Then, create a .env file in the root directory following using the schema of the .env.example file.

Key Description
DATABASE_URL Postgres connection string used by prisma. See the Prisma docs for more information.
OPENAI_API_KEY An API key for the OpenAI API. Create an API key here.
NEXT_PUBLIC_STREAM_PORT The port that the stream server will run on. 3216 is a sensible default.
HMAC_SECRET A secret string used in requests to the stream server.

Next, configure your database with Prisma with the following command. Note that this will drop any existing tables in your database.

npm run reset:db

Then, install the dependencies for the stream server:

cd stream
npm i
cd ..

Finally, build and start the server:

npm run build
npm run start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the web app.