Mr Bu the character

Mr Bu character designed and drawn by Md Noh, using Windows® Paint Version 5.1. Inspiration taken from the notorious Ikea® man (or perhaps woman), with that signature distinctive groovy zoot suit cum loon pants cum palazzo pants inspired jumpsuit.

Mr Bu has absolutely no hair and truly has no skin colour – he is transparent. His aerodynamic, wind-tunnel-efficient head was inspired from (one half of) the RepRap logo.

Due to his addiction to coffee (consuming 170 cups a day on average), he has since given up on bringing around with him numerous Thermos® flasks filled with brewed coffee (28 of them, totalling approximately 34 litres of coffee) and has switched to carrying packets of instant coffee sachets which he keeps in numerous specially tailored, internally accessible pockets within his jumpsuit.


Mr Bu character is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).

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