
Primary LanguageTypeScript


A low config over swagger-typescript-api to manage type in your project.

  1. install npm i -D @romuleald/swggr-ts-gen

  2. at the root of you package.json add

    "swggr-ts-gen": {
        "localJson": "dto/jsons",
        "output": "dto/types",
        "typePrefix": true,
        "apis": [
            "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/main/examples/v2.0/json/api-with-examples.json",
            "name": "exemple"
    • under apis: url will be your openapi json from swagger and name the name of the file.
    • localJson refer to swagger json files (in openapi format) in your repository.
    • output refer to the path where .ts file will be created.
    • typePrefix it will PascCase the api name. For json file il will PascalCase from the filename (eg. my-api => MyApi).
  3. add a command in your scripts "dto-doc": "swggr-ts-gen"

  4. execute npm run dto-doc

  5. DTOs will be generated in ./dto/types from the root of your project