
Chuck Norris Fact - API integration demo with Next.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Pens in a Darth Vader themed cup

serverless Node.js CI GitHub license

Chuck Norris' facts search interface

This is a challenge made with 🧡, hoping to join Nuuvem team and:

Started with create-next-app.

On Github

Available at https://github.com/romulobordezani/chuck-norris-facts, with all it's commits telling the whole developmet history, issues, bugs fixed and Github actions.


Available at: https://d38zbgz4g6geh6.cloudfront.net/

Getting Started

First, ensure you have Node ^14 up and running.

Optional, but recommended, install yarn to use all the power of Webpack 5 with Yarn Pnp.

npm install -g yarn

Install NPM packages

npm install
# or (recommended)


npm run dev
# or (recommended)
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/search/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.


API routes where used to avoid CROSS domain issues and add an extra layer of monitoring and reports based on logs.

Avaliable endpoints:

url file
http://localhost:3000/api/chuck-norris-facts/jokes/search?query=joke pages/api/chuck-norris-facts/jokes/search/index.ts
http://localhost:3000/api/chuck-norris-facts/jokes/:id pages/api/chuck-norris-facts/jokes/[id].ts

The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

ENV vars

Locally, the app will inject all vars wrote down in the /.env file.

All .env files suffixed with .local are ignored by github, what makes them a good place to secrets while running locally, preventing them to get exposed.

In production you can pass secrets via environment vars as usually.

In order to expose a variable to the browser you have to prefix the variable with NEXT_PUBLIC_. For example: NEXT_PUBLIC_ANALYTICS_ID=abcdefghijk

Code quality

To ensure code quality, Husky is set up and will run tests and lint the code before commits, if it fails, will abort the commit.

You can by pass Husky verifications with --no-verify at the end of your git command, but Chuck Norris doesn't recommend this approuch. 🤠


npm run test
# or (recommended)
yarn test

Lint + Type Script validations

npm run lint
# or (recommended)
yarn lint


  • SSR html and meta tags generation to share the jokes on social media
  • Hybrid routing system, that works as SSR and SPA
  • BFF made with Typescript, with an interceptor based gateway, integrated with the Routing system
  • Deploy on AWS serverless
  • Full Code Quality control, stoping bad commits, blocking Pull Requests with no passing tests and lint
  • 100% test coverage
  • BDD (Behavior Driven Development) implemmented based on accessibility roles
  • Does NOT use any design system as Material Ui, Bootstrap or any similar to show some CSS skills
  • Using only Breakpoint SASS as Responsiveness Framework, with support to DPI and orientation 📱💻🖥
  • PWA Service Worker, to have a better control of caching and allow users to install offline on mobile.
  • Share APi support
  • Ripple effect on Joke listing page


Following, a list of stuff I would like to do, but there is no more time...

  • Auto-complete in the search box.
  • Pagination, would be nice to add a pagination but I couldn't find any information about it in the API and got out of time.
  • Log rotation system, integrated with some monitoring tool like SPlunk, Kibana + Elastic Search, New Relic etc.
  • Github badge with code coverage on README.md
  • Add internationalization with i18n, supporting multiple languages
  • Make it faster loading jokes from state instead of recalling API from SSR