
Scraping and Storing EDGAR data using Google DataFlow and Buckets

Primary LanguagePython

Scraping EDGAR data using Google DataFlow and Buckets

The aim of the project is to create a data pipeline for scraping and computing the word counts from various lists of EDGAR data.

  1. Google Dataflow and Apache beam is used to build the pipeline.
  2. Beautiful soup and Regular expressions are used to scrape and clean the data (i.e remove stopwords, symbols etc) from the EDGAR Website.
  3. NLTK tokenizer was used for tokenizing these files.
  4. The model was implemented in two phases, one on the local system using default runner,Direct Runner and the other on the google cloud platform using DataFlow runner.
  5. The data has been treated as batch data (since apache beam can accomodate both batch and stream data) which was stored in the PCollections and then used Transform function of the Apache beam for manipulation.
  6. The words were mapped as negative, positive, litigious, uncertain, strongmodal, weakmodal and constraining using the MCDonald wordlist. The list can be found Here
  7. These results were then stored into the google storage buckets following the heirachy of the folder structure.

Below is the process flow

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

git clone https://github.com/kashishshah881/data-pipeline.git


What things you need to install the software:

Apache Beam
Google Cloud Storage


Run These Commands on the terminal

pip3 install apache-beam nltk google-cloud-storage apache-beam[gcp]

Setup For Running in Google Cloud DataFlow

Step 1

You need to setup Google Cloud Storage Buckets. Goto cloud.google.com and create a bucket. Create 2 folders inside the bucket temp and staging for creating a temperory and staging location for apache beam to interact with.

Step 2

Test If you have adequate access writes to your Bucket by running the example shown Here

Step 3

Spin up a Google VM Instance Here with minimum configuration since DataFlow is a managed service, it handles the resources part.

Step 4

Configure file main.py from lines 26 to 29 according to your google credentials. Also enter the bucket location in lines 324 to 331 in main.py

Step 5

Once Everything is installed successfully the below command inside the repository folder

python3 main.py



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details