Live Portfolio


About The Project

I have created a responsive React portfolio website using Tailwind CSS, Javascript, HTML and a few dependencies ( inspired by Code Commerce ). I used react smooth scroll to get a smooth scroll to the different sections of the page by simply clicking on the the navigation bar components.

Built With


  • JavaScript, HTML and CSS
  • knowledge of React, Fetch & UseEffect to make a request to an API


Create and Install

Set Up Structure of App 📁

  • Add resume pdf file to public folder
  • Inside the scr folder, create:
 🔹assets folder 
 🔹components folder 

🟣 Inside the assets folder add the following:

 🔹All images to be displayed in the Home and TechnicalSkills pages 

🟣 Inside the components folder, create the following files 📂:


🟣 Inside the index.css file, import google fonts you want from the following site: ---> @import url('url of font chosen'). Then Extend the tailwind.config.js with the font-family config so the font can be used throughout the app

🟣 NavBar.js:

  • Import the following:
 🔹NavBar from components/NavBar in App.js 
 🔹React {useState} from react 
 🔹icons from icon libraries in React-icons page with specific pretext
 🔹import react-scroll package  
  • Add className to the div for NavBar - fixed so navBar will not move when scrolling; height and width; space in between items in the NavBar; color gradient from left to right.

  • Create a second div for the signature then an h1 with a className for the signature --> add some styling --> text size; font style that was imported from google fonts page; text color; shadow color when you hover on the signature.

  • create an array for links. Within the array, add 5 objects then add two properties to each object --> id and link. Create an object for home, about, portfolio, technical skills and contact.

  • use destructuring to map over the links

  • create a div for mobile menu bar with a className *add useState, import it and add an onclick to change the state. setNav to opposite of the state and render element - if the

Additional features to be added

- Add more projects along with demo and code 
- click on a langue that will take the user to a project that reflects my usage of the language selected


Romy Jean-Pierre -

Github Link: My Portfolio
