
Hey there :wave: ! I'm Aditya and this repository houses my profile description.

Hey there! I'm Aditya.

👨🏻‍💻  About Me

  • 🤔   Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
  • 🎓   Studying Computer Science and Mathematics at University of Massachusetts Amherst.
  • 💼   Working as a Business Development Associate at VirtuBox InfoTech Private Limited.
  • 🌱   Learning more about Cloud Architecture, Systems Design and Artificial Intelligence.
  • ✍️   Pursuing Graphic Design and Blog Writing as hobbies/side hustles.

🛠  Tech Stack

  • 💻   Python Java C++ R (Statistics)
  • 🌐   HTML CSS JavaScript Bootstrap Node.js React
  • 🛢   MySQL MongoDB
  • ⚙️   Git GitHub Markdown
  • 🔧   Visual Studio Code RStudio Eclipse
  • 🖥   Illustrator Photoshop InDesign

🤝🏻  Connect with Me