
A DIY container PaaS for self-serviced container deployments

Primary LanguageHCL

DIY Container PaaS

A DIY container PaaS for self-serviced container deployments.


Use at your own risk!


Budget container PaaS solution that offers portable, self-serviced container deployments, and don't want to worry too much about:

  • backups
  • node failures
  • scaling
  • PaaS vendor lock-ins



  • Terraform to automate provisioning of docker swarm clusters on Vultr
    • ability to add more nodes as you need them
  • Docker Swarm for container orchestration
  • Traefik for reverse proxy service (aka ingress) with automated SSL cert creation
  • GlusterFS clustered file system for:
    • container portability across the cluster
    • replicated storage


  • Better documentation
  • Load balanced ingress with health-checks
  • Multi-master management nodes
  • Support for DigitalOcean


  • Replace failed nodes
  • Dedicated roles, e.g. databases, message queues, etc
  • Centralized logging

Quick Start

Configure your terraform configuration main.tf

module "mini-pass-example" {
  source = "/tf_modules/mini-paas/vultr"
  cluster_name = "example-cluster"
  cluster_worker_count = 1
  //cluster_instance_price_per_month = "10.00"
  //cluster_ram_mb = "2048" 
  //cluster_region = "Singapore"
  dns_domain = "example.com"
  dns_acme_email = "email@example.com"
  ssh_key_source = "/deployment/resources/example_rsa"
  ssh_key_name = "example"

Run the terraform container

# Mount your terraform configuration folder to the "/deployment" folder
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/example:/deployment/ -e VULTR_API_KEY=<your-vultr-api-key> ronalddddd/mini-paas

# You are now inside the docker container's terraform environment
/deployment # terraform init
/deployment # terraform plan
/deployment # terraform apply

Start using your cluster

# Shell into your swarm manager
ssh -i /path/to/your/sshkey root@example.com

# Check the cluster
docker node ls

# Check what's running
docker node ps

An example service is deployed as well. You should now be able to browse to http://whoami.example.com and get redirected to a https version.

See tf_modules/mini-paas/resources/debugging/docker-compose.yml for an example on deploying a web service with automatic domain and SSL setup.

Docker Swarm Quick Reference

  • docker stack deploy --compose-file <compose_file_path> <stack_name>
  • docker stack ps <stack_name> --no-trunc
